On Thu, 2008-10-09 at 16:34 -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:
> I intend without three objections to amend the AAA contract by
> replacing sections 7-10 with this text:
> {{{
> 7. Each type of Land is a class of assets. Ownership of Land is
> restricted to Farmers. The SoA is the recordkeeper of Land.
> 8. A Digit Ranch is a type of Land. Each Digit Ranch has exactly one
> Seed, which is an integer from 0 to 9 inclusive. The class of Digit
> Ranches with a particular Seed is a currency. When a Digit Ranch is
> created, its Seed is chosen randomly, and thereafter CANNOT be
> changed. At the beginning of each week, each Digit Ranch creates one
> Crop of the type corresponding to its Seed in the ownership of its
> owner.
> 9. A Mill is a type of Land. Each Mill has exactly one Operator, which
> is one of + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication) and /
> (division). The class of Mills with a particular Operator is a
> currency. When a Mill is created, its Operator is chosen randomly, and
> thereafter CANNOT be changed. A milling job consists of a farmer (the
> miller), and a mathematical expression composed of the values of two
> types of Crops (which may be the same) and an Operator. The product of
> a milling job is the type of crop corresponding to the result of
> evaluating its expression over the finite field of integers modulo 11,
> if any. When a Mill processes a milling job, one crop of each type
> used in the expression is destroyed from the miller's possession if
> possible, and then if two crops were so destroyed, one crop of the
> result is created in the miller's possession.
> 10. A farmer's milling queue is initially empty. A farmer (the miller)
> may add milling jobs to the end of any farmer's milling queue by
> announcement, with the consent of that farmer. At the beginning of
> each week, after Digit Ranches produce crops, each Mill processes and
> removes the first available milling job with a matching Operator, if
> any, from its owner's milling queue.
> 11. Water Rights Vouchers are a currency. Ownership of Water Rights
> Vouchers is restricted to Farmers. The SoA is the recordkeeper of
> Water Rights Vouchers.
> }}}
I object. I like the idea generally, but milling should be possible
during the week.

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