I intend, without objection, to make Goethe inactive.

[ The following proposal is based on Goethe's last proto on the matter
with suggestions from others incorporated; also, people have been
shouting at me (who originally protoed it) for not proposing it in ages.
I kept the names Notice of Violation (because I prefer it) and SILENCE
(because FINE has previously been used for something else, and it would
be best not to confuse the historical record). Also a little tweak at
the end to avoid destroying currently-existing sentences. ]

I submit the following proposal (AI=2, II=2, coauthors = Goethe, Murphy,
comex, OscarMeyr, title = "Rests"):
Create a power-2 rule called "Rests" with the following text:

     Rests are a fixed asset, whose recordkeepor is the Conductor. 
     The creation and destruction of Rests is secured with a power 
     threshold of 1.7, a person generally CANNOT destroy rests
     except as permitted by Rules explicitly stating methods by 
     which rests in particular CAN be destroyed.  

     Ownership of Rests is restricted to first-class persons. If, in
     the absence of this restriction, a number (N) of Rests would
     be created in the ownership of a non-first-class person, then for
     each member of that person's basis, N Rests are created in that
     member's possession.

     A player CAN spend two Notes in order to destroy a Rest owned 
     by a player e specifies.

Create a power-2 rule called "Just Resting" with the following text:

    Owning one or more Rests is a Losing Condition.

    While a person owns at least 8 Rests, that person CANNOT spend 
    Notes except to destroy Rests e owns.  This takes precedence 
    over any other rule. 

    While a player owns at least 24 Rests, that player CAN be 
    deregistered by any player by announcement.  A person who owns
    at least 6 Rests, or where every member of eir basis owns 6 Rests,
    CANNOT register, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

    A person who has one or more rests but is not a player is a 
    Fugitive.  The Herald's report shall include a list of all 
    Fugitives and the number of Rests they possess.  At the 
    beginning of each month, half of each Fugitive's rests (rounded 
    down) are destroyed.
Amend Rule 2156 ("Voting on Ordinary Decisions") by replacing the last
paragraph with:

    The eligible voters on an ordinary decision are those entities
    that were active players at the start of its voting period.  The
    voting limit of an eligible voter on an ordinary decision is eir
    caste at the start of its voting period, reduced to the next 
    lower caste (minimum Savage) for each positive multiple of 4 
    Rests that the voter posesses at the start of the voting period. 

Repeal rule 2190 ("Crime Doesn't Pay"). 

Create a power-2 rule called "Notices of Violation" with the 
following text:
     A player MAY publish a Notice of Violation alleging that a 
     single entity (the Accused) has broken a Rule.  To be considered
     a valid notice of violation, the notice must specify all of:
        (a) The identity of the Accused;
        (b) The allegedly illegal action/inaction in question;
        (c) The Rule that was allegedly broken;
        (d) The name of the Class-N Crime (if any) specified in the
            Rules as being associated with the alleged breach, where N
            is the positive integer specified in the Rules for that

     Knowingly issuing a Notice of Violation with incorrect 
     information is ILLEGAL, and the Class-4 Crime of Libel.

     A Notice of Violation is valid if and only if: 
         (1) it clearly specifies the required information for a 
             Notice of Violation;
         (2) no previous valid notice specified substantially
             identical information (i.e. the same violation for the 
             same specific act).  
         (3) when a crime is named, the crime is specified within 
             the Rules.

     Neither a Ticket's incorrectness (i.e. whether its allegation
     is false) nor its unfairness (i.e. whether the punishment resulting
     from leaving it Uncontested would be manifestly unfair according to
     the guidance of the Rules) affects its validity.

     As soon as possible after a player makes an announcement that 
     is reasonably recognizable as an attempt to issue such a 
     notice, the Clerk of the Courts SHALL announce whether the 
     Notice was valid. Such a Clerk of the Court's announcement is 
     self-ratifying.  Affirming the validity of the notice does not 
     in itself certify the correctness of the allegation.  
     A valid Notice of Violation is initially Uncontested if a Crime
     is named, Contested otherwise.  Within four days after the
     publication of an Uncontested Ticket, any player CAN make it
     Contested by announcement; a player SHOULD do so if e believes
     it is incorrect and/or unfair.  An Uncontested Ticket becomes
     Contested upon the initiation of a judicial case questioning
     its incorrectness and/or unfairness (but not merely by
     questioning its validity).
     If a notice remains uncontested for four days, a number of
     Rests are created in the possession of the Accused equal to
     the power of the violated Rule rounded up.  If the notice 
     becomes contested after four days, these Rests remain, but CAN 
     be later destroyed by judicial processes as described 

Amend Rule 1504 to read:     
      There is a subclass of judicial case known as a criminal case.
      Any first-class person can initiate a criminal case by an
      announcement calling for judgement on the circumstances
      surrounding a specified valid Notice of Violation alleging a 
      rules breach by a single entity (the Accused).  The initiator 
      and each member of the Accused's basis are unqualified to be 
      assigned as judge of the case.
      A criminal case has a judicial question on culpability, which is
      applicable at all times following the call for judgement.  The
      valid judgements for this question are:

      * GUILTY, appropriate if the judge finds, beyond a reasonable
        doubt, that ALL of the following are true:
        (a) the Accused breached the specified rule via the specified 
        (b) the breach occurred within 200 days prior to the case being 
        (c) judgement has not already been reached in another criminal 
            case, or punishment already applied through another 
            uncontested notice of violation, with the same Accused, the 
            same rule, and substantially the same alleged act;
        (d) the Accused could not have reasonably believed that the 
            alleged act did not violate the specified rule;
        (e) the Accused could have reasonably avoided committing the 
            breach without committing a different breach of equal or 
            greater severity.

      * NOT GUILTY, appropriate if GUILTY is not appropriate.  In 
        delivering this verdict, the judge SHOULD indicate which of
        of the sub-requirements for a finding of guilty were not found 
        to be true beyond a reasonable doubt.  If the Accused is
        found to be NOT GUILTY after a number of rests have been
        created in eir possession due to the notice in question, the
        judge CAN and SHALL destroy any such rests by announcement as
        soon as possible.

      A criminal case has a judicial question on sentencing, which is
      applicable if the question on culpability is applicable and has
      a judgement of GUILTY.  If a criminal case has an applicable
      question on sentencing which has a judgement, the Accused is
      hereafter known as the ninny, the judgement in the question on
      sentencing is known as the sentence, and the sentence is in

      The valid sentences are:

      * DISCHARGE, appropriate only in extraordinary circumstances, if
        any available non-null punishment would be manifestly unjust.
        Has no effect.

      * APOLOGY with a set of up to ten words (the prescribed words),
        appropriate for rule breaches of small consequence.  When in
        effect, the ninny SHALL as soon as possible publish a formal
        apology of at least 200 words, including all the prescribed
        words, explaining eir error, shame, remorse, and ardent 
        desire for self-improvement.   Failure to do so is a Class-3 
        Crime of Failure to Apologize.

      * SILENCE, a number of Rests, equal to the defined Class of the
        Crime or (if the breach is not a defined crime) the power 
        of the breached Rule, are created in the possession of the
        Ninny.  If the Ninny showed bad faith by contesting an
        obviously-correct notice or by obstructing the course of
        justice, the judge CAN double the amount of the fine with 
        2 Support.

      Players SHOULD NOT create rules defining Crimes of a Class
      greater than 14.

      An appeal concerning any assignment of judgement in a criminal
      case within the past week CAN be initiated by the accused by
      announcement.  If a verdict or sentence that led to the
      creation of Rests is overruled, remanded, or reassigned, the 
      Rests are still considered to have been created, but the 
      appeals panel CAN and SHALL destroy any created Rests by 

For each person in the chokey immediately before this proposal was
adopted, create 1 Rest in eir possession for each week remaining in the
tariff of the sentence that causes em to be in the chokey, to a maximum
of 23 Rests for that person.

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