On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 8:25 AM, Geoffrey Spear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You quoted it yourself:
> "The PerlNomic Partnership shall act by using the
> mechanisms of the PerlNomic game to send messages to the appropriate
> Agoran fora.  This is the only mechanism by which the PerlNomic
> Partnership may act.")
> If the PerlNomic Partnership did not use the mechanisms of the game to
> cause the partnership to publish a message, then the contract
> stipulates that the partnership may not act, and no other mechanism
> for its action is provided.

Interesting interpretation. You're asserting that the PerlNomic
Partnership "uses the mechanisms of the PerlNomic game" whenever a
party to it does so; I believe, though, that there is precedent that
the PNP can send messages even by the Googlebot using the mechanisms
of the PerlNomic game.

By the way, in response to ehird's arguments, I publish the following
(but do not agree to it or claim its text to be true):

"This is a public contract and a pledge known as ehird's Mousetrap.
Parties to this contract are known as Mice. This contract is also the
rules to a game known as Bolero; playing Bolero therefore indicates
that one agrees to this contract. Mice SHALL do anything Warrigal
tells them to. If a Mouse is not a player, e ceases to be a Mouse.

A player plays Bolero by making an announcement (other than an
announcement of eir deregistration)."


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