Sorry about the late announcement of the results for last week's Enigma,
I've been offline for a while.

There were no correct answers submitted to last week's Enigma puzzle;
therefore, no points are awarded. (Pavitra: feel free to publish the
solution to your puzzle, or alternatively to keep it back for another
week if you prefer, I won't publish it myself in this message so as to
give you the option.)

Meanwhile, I think Agora's scoring needs a shakeup; several players have
pointed out problems with the current version, which I also noticed
myself. Therefore, without member objection, I intend to amend the
Enigma contract by replacing
10) The answer submission period for a list of puzzles ends one week
after it begins. As soon as possible after the end of a list's
answer submission period, for each puzzle published by the
contestmaster and having at least one eligible answer during
that period, the contestmaster SHALL award points in this order,
up to a maximum of P points per puzzle (where P is the maximum
number of points that a contest CAN award per week per
contestant). For the purpose of this clause, contestanthood is
measured at the end of the period.

a) 4 points to its author.

b) 8 points to the submitter of that puzzle's first eligible

c) 4 points each to the submitters of all other eligible answers
for that puzzle, in order of submission.
10) The answer submission period for a list of puzzles ends one week
after it begins. As soon as possible after the end of a list's
answer submission period, the contestmaster SHALL attempt to award
points in the order stated below, except that no points are awarded for
puzzles for which no eligible answers were submitted. For the purpose of
this clause, contestanthood is measured at the end of the answer
submission period.

a) For each puzzle, its author gains 4 points.

b) For each eligible answer, in order of submission, its author gains:
   - 0 points, if its author submitted a previous eligible answer on
     that puzzle; else
   - 8 points, if it was the first eligible answer on that puzzle; else
   - 4 points, otherwise
[[In other words, you can't score twice from the same puzzle.]]

c) For each puzzle, its author gains 2 points for each first-class
   active contestant who did not submit an eligible answer on that

(Note that 'eligible answer' = 'correct answer submitted on time', more
or less.)

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