On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Sean Hunt <ride...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Amend Rule 1482 so that it has the same text as it had prior to the
> adoption of this proposal.

AGAINST, how about this version:

Proposal: Quick-and-dirty fix 2
coppro and Goethe are co-authors of this proposal.

Amend Rule 1551 (Ratification) to read: [added "rules to the contrary
      A public document is part (possibly all) of a public message.

      When a public document is ratified, rules to the contrary
      notwithstanding, the gamestate is modified so that the ratified
      document was completely true and accurate at the time it was
      published.  Nevertheless, the ratification of a public document
      does not invalidate, reverse, alter, or cancel any messages or
      actions, even if they were unrecorded or overlooked, or change
      the legality of any attempted action.

      Ratifying a public document is secured.

Change the power of Rule 1698 (Agora Is a Nomic) to 3.1.

Ratify the following document: { Proposal 4942 did not take effect. }

Amend Rule 1030 (Precedence between Rules with Equal Power) by
appending the following paragraph:

      Any claim of precedence in a rule, including a claim of
      precedence over "all" or similarly broad classes of rules,
      is considered to be a claim of precedence over rules with
      equal power only, unless it explicitly, clearly, and
      directly claims to stipulate a means of determining
      precedence between rules of different (i.e. higher, lower,
      or otherwise unequal) power.


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