Office cleanup, AI=3
Parts of this proposal in square brackets [], including in text blocks
for rule amendments or otherwise, are removed.

Amend rule 1006 (Offices) to read as follows:
      An office is an entity defined as such by either a Rule or a
      contract (its backing document). A "sufficient authority" with
      regards to an office is any Rule or that office's backing

      Holder is an office switch, tracked by the IADoP, with values of
      vacant (default) and every player. An officer is the holder of an
      office, who may be referred to by the name of that office when it
      is unambiguous. A player holds an office if e is that office's
      holder. The holder of an office CANNOT be changed except where
      permitted by sufficient authority. An office's holder CAN act on
      behalf of that office, and need not do so explicitly.

      Offices are either elected (default for Rule-backed offices) or
      imposed (default for contract-backed offices), as defined by their
      backing documents, or taking the default value if not so defined.

      If an office incurs and obligation, then the officer SHOULD act to
      ensure that the office meets those obligations. If an office
      incurs a penalty as a result of violating its obligations, the
      holder of the office at the itme the violation was made shall
      instead receive the penalty, unless e has held that office for
      less than a week.

      [It's a SHOULD because the basic idea is that a player is
       responsible for the office's requirements; there is a 1-week
       leeway because a new officer may find that e has a lot of stuff
       to catch up on, and will need to establish eir own records.]

Amend rule 2143 (Official Reports and Duties) to read as follows:
      If any task is defined by sufficient authority as part of an
      office's weekly duties, then that office SHALL perform it at least
      once in each week.  If any information is defined by sufficient
      authority as part of an office's weekly report, then the
      publication of all such information each week is a part of that
      office's weekly duties.

      If any task is defined by sufficient authority as part of an
      office's monthly duties, then that office SHALL perform it at
      least once in each month.  If any information is defined by
      sufficient authority as part of an office's monthly report, then
      the publication of all such information each week is a part of
      that office's monthly duties.

      Any information defined by sufficient authority as part of an
      office's report, without specifying which one, is part of its
      weekly report. Offices SHALL NOT publish information that is
      inaccurate or misleading.

Amend rule 2227 (Interest Index of Offices) to read as follows:
      Each rule-backed office has an interest index, tracked by the

      A player CAN set an office's interest index without 2 objections,
      if it has one.

Amend rule 2160 (Deputisation) to read as follows:
      Any player (a deputy) CAN perform an action as if e held a
      particular office (deputise for that office) if all of the
      following are true:

        (a) A sufficient authority requires the office to perform the

        (b) A time limit by which the rules require the action to be
            performed has expired, or the office is vacant.

        (c) If the office is held by an active player, then the deputy
            announced between two and fourteen days earlier that e
            intended to deputise for that office for the purposes of
            the particular action.

      When deputising, the deputy is treated, for the purposes of all
      rules, as if e were the holder of that office, including the
      fulfillment of the duty and the possibility of its performance. A
      deputisation only extends to the specific action for which it was
      performed; compound actions may require multiple instances of

Amend rule 2154 (Election Procedure) to read as follows:
      Any player CAN, with N support, where N is at least the number of
      elections initiated by that player in that week, initiate an
      election for an elected office, provided that there is currently
      no ongoing election for that office. This defers to any rule
      allowing a player to initiate an election.

      During the first four days of the election (the nomination
      period), any player CAN by announcement nominate one or more
      active players.

      As soon as possible after the nomination period ends, the IADoP
      SHALL initiate an Agoran decision to determine the new
      officeholder. For this decision:

       1) The valid options (hereafter the candidates) are PRESENT (syn.
          WITHHOLD or ABSTAIN) and the active players who, during the

            a) received and accepted (by announcement, including self-
               nomination) a nomination for the office before the
               decision was initiated, or hold that office, and

            b) did not decline a nomination for the office, and

            c) are Senators if there is currently an Emergency

          The set of candidates can change after the decision is

       2) If there is no Emergency Session at the time the decision is
          initiated, the eligible voters are the active first-class
          players. Otherwise, the eligible voters are the active

       3) Each eligible voter's voting limit is one. An ordered list
          of multiple choices constitutes a conditional vote for the
          first choice if it could be the outcome, otherwise the
          second choice if it could be the outcome, and so forth.

      If, immediately after the Decision is initiated, the IADoP can end
      the voting period by announcement, e SHALL do so in the same
      [This consolidates the rules regarding premature termination.]

      When the Decision is resolved, if the outcome selected by Agora
      is a player, the IADoP CAN and SHALL in the same message flip the
      office's holder to that player. The election ends when the
      Decision is resolved.

Amend Rule 2217 (Periodic Elections) to read as follows:
      When an elected office's holder is something other than an active
      player, the IADoP CAN and SHALL initiate an election for that
      office. This obligation is fulfilled if, for any reason, there
      comes to be an ongoing election for that office or the office'
      holder becomes an active player.

      As part of eir monthly duties, the IADoP CAN and SHALL initiate an
      election for the elected office that has gone longest without
      having an election initiated for it.

Amend Rule 2138 (The International Associate Director of Personnel) to
read as follows:
      The International Associate Director of Personnel is an office;
      its holder is responsible for keeping track of officers and

      The IADoP's weekly report includes, for each office:

      a) The date its holder was last changed
      b) The date when the most recent election for it was initiated
      c) If it is a rule-backed office, its interest index
      d) If it is a rule-backed office, each of its weekly and monthly
         duties and when they were last fulfilled.

      The portion of a public message purporting to be an IADoP's
      report that lists the holder of each office is self-ratifying.

Amend Rule 2126 (Notes) by replacing each intstance of the word "office"
with "rule-backed office".

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