Proposal: Attitude

[See, rule 12]

Enact a new Rule, titled "InterNomic Attitude":

      The official attitude of Agora torward a foreign nomic depends
      on its Recognition as follows:

      Recognition                  Attitude

      Protected, Friendly           Ally
      Unknown, Neutral, Abandoned   Neutral
      Sanctioned, Hostile           Enemy

      If Agora's InterNomic attitude toward a foreign nomic does not
      exist or differs from the official attitude, the Ambassador CAN
      act on behalf of Agora to declare its official attitude.  As
      soon as possible after Agora's official attitude toward a
      foreign nomic changes, e SHALL make such a declaration for that

      The Ambassador SHALL, as soon as possible after the enactment of
      this rule, act on behalf of Agora to declare its official
      attitude toward all nomics for which the attitude is not
      Neutral.  Once this occurs, any person CAN, by announcement,
      cause this rule to amend itself by removing this paragraph.

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