I agree to the contract below delimited by a { on its own line, and a }
on its own line.

I flip the Sentiment of The Conservative Party to Legalistic and amend
it by removing the first paragraph (paragraph -1).

The membership of The Conservative Party is {Pavitra}. Its text is below
delimited by the first empty line after a { on its own line, and a } on
its own line.

-1. Any person CAN by announcement flip the Sentiment of this contract
to Legalistic and amend this contract by removing this paragraph.

 0. This is a public contract and a pledge. The name of this contract is
The Conservative Party. This contract can incur obligations; parties to
this contract SHALL ensure it fulfills its obligations. Any person CAN
join or leave this contract by announcement.

 1. Any party to this contract CAN amend it with the Support of all
other parties.

 2. The Conservative Party CAN act on behalf of any party to it to cause
that party to vote on any Agoran Decision.

 3. Immediately after an Agoran Decision is initiated, the Conservative
Party acts on behalf of each of its parties to cause that party to vote
on that decision with the option selected being party stance on that
decision as defined later in this contract.

 4. Party stance on the decision whether to adopt a proposal that would,
if passed, amend or repeal one or more of Rules 101, 104, 2029, or 2105

 5. Party stance on the decision whether to adopt a proposal submitted
as part of the Anarchist's duties is AGAINST.

 6. Party stance on the decision whether to adopt a proposal that would,
if passed, amend, repeal, or create a total of five or more Rules
(including a combination of amendment, repeal, and creation totaling
five or more Rules) is AGAINST.

 7. Party stance on the decision whether to adopt a proposal such that
the power of the highest-powered Rule that, if adopted, the proposal
would attempt to amend, repeal, or create is not equal to the adoption
index set by its submitter at the time of submission is AGAINST.

 8. Party stance on the decision whether to adopt a proposal whose
submitter did not set both of the proposal's adoption and interest
indices at the time of submission is AGAINST.

 9. Party stance on the decision whether to adopt a proposal that
contains an error in spelling, grammar, or punctuation (other than the
traditional spelling variations of the suffix -or instead of -er for
office titles and "judgement" instead of "judgment") that was publicly
pointed out at least twenty-four hours before the proposal was
distributed is AGAINST.

10. Party stance on the decision whether to adopt a proposal that would,
if adopted, create a Rule referring to a specific person or amend a Rule
in such a way as to cause that Rule to come to refer to a specific
person is AGAINST.

11. Party stance on the decision to determine a new officeholder where
the current holder of that office both is a candidate and is an active
player is the current holder of that office.

12. Party stance on any other decision is endorsing the active
registered party to this contract that has been a player for the longest
amount of time cumulatively, breaking ties in favor of the person who
first registered earliest.


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