On Wed, 17 Jun 2009, comex wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Kerim Aydin<ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>> Oh but wait, that means the Caller has to expend some effort instead
>> of the CotC, a full appeals court, and the judges?  How un-Agoran!
> It is reasonable to expect a small modicum of effort by the judge,
> such as reading messages sent to the discussion forum on the same day.

You have to understand:  when I joined this game (you can see this when
you look back at the archives) Callers tended to put a lot of effort into
their cases; suggesting that the onus was on them to prove their case.
I remember, when DISMISS was an option, it was an option that Judge Kelly
(a lawyer in actual training and fact) would use frequently: "go do your
homework and present your case".  I also think of the archives; I want
to be able to look at a case a year from now and understand what was
going on.  

I miss that style, and fight for it when I can.  I apologize if this
offends you!

Gratuitous arguments for the appeal:
In this case, from the Caller's Evidence, there's no record of what 
happened, no reference to the event that may have made Myndzi a 
player, and no reference for the judge to look it up.  Only an obscure
reply to a quote that was itself truncated.  Subsequent discussion in 
the fora aside, at least the barest reference to the original events 
should have been provided by the caller.  In such a situation, a 
judge is within eir rights to dismiss it undetermined.


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