I agree to the following contract.
This is a public contract and a pledge, named Tiger Jr.. This pledge's
Citizenship is Registered. Tiger may act on behalf of this contract to
perform any action, and shall do so in order to ensure that it fulfils
all its obligations.

I CFJ on the following sentence. Tiger Jr. is a player.

Caller's arguments:
A pledge is an entity. Citizenship is an entity switch. A pledge is
also a contract, and as such all its switches have the values its text
states that they have.

Rule 869 (Power=2)
How to Join and Leave Agora

      Citizenship is an entity switch with values Unregistered
      (default) and Registered, tracked by the registrar.  A player is
      an entity whose citizenship is Registered.  Changes to
      citizenship are secured.

      The verb "to be registered" means to become a player (i.e., to
      have one's citizenship changed from Unregistered to Registered),
      and the verb "to be deregistered" means to cease to be a player
      (i.e., to have one's citizenship changed from Registered to
      Unregistered).  Where the verb "to register" or "to deregister"
      is used without an explicit direct object, the action is
      implicitly reflexive.

      A first-class person CAN (unless explicitly forbidden or
      prevented by the rules) register by announcing that e registers,
      wishes to register, requests registration, or requests
      permission to register.

      A second-class person CAN register with Agoran Consent.

      A player CAN deregister by announcement. A person CANNOT
      register within thirty days after being deregistered by any
      means other than by a mechanism that the rules explicitly
      describe as a means of honorable deregistration.

      A player who is not a person and has never been a first-class
      person CAN be deregistered by any player by announcement.

Rule 2178 (Power=2)
Contract Switches

      Disclosure is a contract switch, tracked by the Notary, with
      values Private (default) and Public.  Rules to the contrary

        a) A contract's Disclosure CANNOT be flipped to Public unless
           its text and list of parties are simultaneously published.

        b) A contract's Disclosure CANNOT be flipped away from Public.

        c) Changes to a public contract's text and/or list of parties
           do not become effective until published.

      Sentiment is a contract switch, tracked by the Notary, with
      values Equitable (default) and Legalistic.  Rules to the
      contrary notwithstanding, a contract's Sentiment CANNOT be
      flipped away from Legalistic.

[Even if this works, it's not a big problem, since the last paragraph
of R869 still applies.]


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