[I forgot about the LPRS because it hasn't been used. You can NoV me for
slacking off if you care, but I'm guessing you don't.]

Parties to the LPRS:
  Pavitra [Pointer]

No Point Vouchers of either axis exist.

17:52 17Jun2009   LPRS created
17:52 17Jun2009   Pavitra joins
17:52 17Jun2009   Pavitra intends to cause LPRS to intend to register
17:56 17Jun2009   coppro joins
04:26 30Jun2009   Voting period for Proposal 6380 ends
17:52 01Jul2009   Intent to cause LPRS to intend to register expires;
                  LPRS still not a person
19:26 02Jul2009   This report published

Text of the Lesser Points Relay Service:

  This is a Public Legalistic contract named the Lesser Points Relay
Service (LPRS). The LPRS can incur obligations; parties to the LPRS
SHALL ensure it meets its obligations.
  Any person CAN join or leave this contract. Any party CAN amend this
contract, or cause it to act, with the majority consent of the other
parties, or without objection from any party. Unless otherwise
specified, actions which are permitted by this contract are performed by

  The Pointer is Pavitra.
  X Point Vouchers (xPV) and Y Point Vouchers (yPV) are each a liquid
currency tracked by the Pointer, and can be referred to as a type or
axis (respectively, the X and Y axes) of Point Vouchers. The Pointer's
report is weekly and self-ratifying.

  When a player transfers a point to the LPRS, a Point Voucher of the
corresponding axis is created in that person's possession. Transferring
a point to the LPRS is called "depositing" the point.
  A player CAN destroy a Point Voucher in eir possession to cause the
LPRS to transfer a point of the corresponding axis to em, provided it is
possible for the LPRS to do so. Destroying a Point Voucher to this
effect is called "withdrawing" the resultantly-obtained point.

  When points in the LPRS's possession are destroyed as part of the
cleanup procedure for a Win by High Score, the Point Vouchers of each
axis in each entity's possession are reduced (by means of destruction of
the excess Point Vouchers) according to the algorithm for resetting
points as part of the cleanup procedure.
  Any party to the LPRS CAN create and destroy Point Vouchers by
announcement, but SHALL NOT do so except as explicitly permitted in the
following sentence. If the LPRS's coordinate in a particular axis ever
does not equal the total number of Point Vouchers of that axis in
existence, then any party MAY create or destroy Point Vouchers of that
axis in the possession of the entity with the greatest number of Point
Vouchers of that axis as necessary to terminate said inequality.


Pavitra, Pointer

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