> ==============================  CFJ 2632  ==============================
>     The Conductor CAN publish a self-ratifying report.
> ========================================================================

The key question is whether the "'SHALL do X by mechanism Y' implies
'CAN do X by mechanism Y and SHALL do X'" precedent applies here. For
succinctness, at the risk of creating a new fallacy, I will refer to
this precedent as ISTIC (I Shall Therefore I Can).

ISTIC functions by empowering an otherwise ordinary public message. What
would otherwise be simply a player publishing "I do X" instead becomes
an instance of the player doing X. It grants the substance of legal
fiction to mere text.

Consider the hypothetical rule-text "The Conductor SHALL publish a
report." Clearly ISTIC applies here; the Conductor publishes a document
claiming to be a report, and the rule confers reporthood upon that
document, with all the Rule-defined consequences that derive from it
(e.g., whether the Conductor receives a salary).

I see no fundamental difference of type between the state of being a
report and the state of being self-ratifying. Both are properties of a
document defined by the rules, and existing wholly as legal fictions. I
can conceive of no reasonable standard by which ISTIC should apply to
one and not to the other.

Therefore, I judge CFJ 2632 TRUE.


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