On Thu, 16 Jul 2009, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> I come off hold.  I Form a Government as follows:
> I CFJ on: {{c. is Justiciar.}}

Gratuitous:  When Wooble went on hold, e ceased to be on the List of
Succession.  When e came off hold, e was put back on the list of
succession... but eir date of being put back on ("added to") the list 
would be the date e went off hold,  so e would no longer be speaker.
So eir second attempt to form a government should have *definitely*
failed, so FALSE is appropriate.  I don't know yet if this is a bug
or a feature (but it certainly prevented what Wooble attempted).


ps.  I'll double-check whether Wooble was speaker in the first place,
as per discussion between BobTHJ and myself.

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