I withdraw my proposal "Hand Limit Remodel" from the pool and submit
the following instead. I play Distrib-u-Matic to make it distributable:

Hand Limit Remodel v3
AI: 3
II: 1
Append to the numbered list in R1728 ("Dependent Actions"), bullet item a):
4) With Notice.
and replace:
(if the action depends on objections)
(if the action depends on objections or notice)

Append to the numbered list in R2124 ("Agoran Satisfaction"):
(4) The action to be performed is With Notice.

Replace the text of R2259 with:
Every entity has an integer Hand Limit (default 7 for first-class
players, 3 for contests, 0 for all others). Changes to Hand Limit are
secured. If an entity's Hand Limit would be set to a number less than
0, it is instead set to 0. The Accountor's report includes a list of
all entities whose Hand Limit is set to a non-default value.

Any entity CAN audit itself by announcement. When an active player is
audited that player gains one Rest for each rule-defined card e owns
in excess of eir hand limit (minimum 0). When any other entity is
audited X random cards that entity owns are destroyed, where X equals
the number of card that entity owns minus eir hand limit (minimum 0)..

Append to the list of cards in R2261 ("The Deck of Change"):
Supersize Me - Specify an entity. That entity's Hand Limit is increased by 1.

Shrink Potion - Specify an entity. That entity's Hand Limit is
decreased by 10% (rounded up).

Append to the list of cards in R2262 ("The Deck of Justice"):
Penalty Box - Specify an entity. When you play this card you CAN audit
that entity With Notice (you must have previously declared intent as
per other rules), so long as you do so in the same message as playing
this card and that entity has not been audited since you declared

Upon the adoption of this proposal set the Frequency of cards as follows:
Supersize Me - 30
Shrink Potion - 10
Penalty Box - 5

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