I withdraw my proposal "Banks" from the pool and submit the following
instead, playing Distrib-u-Matic to make it distributable:

Banks v2
AI: 2
II: 1
Create a new rule titled "Banks" (Power=2) with the text:
A Bank is a public contract whose purpose includes facilitating a
means of asset exchange between players. Any party to a contract CAN cause that
contract to become a Bank without three objections. Any player CAN
cause a Bank to cease to be a Bank without three objections. A Bank
may own any rule or contract defined asset regardless of any
restrictions placed upon ownership of that class of asset, unless the
asset's backing document specifically excludes Banks from owning that
asset. Any player CAN transfer a non-fixed asset to a Bank (as
permitted by that Bank's contract), however if the transfer of an
asset is permitted
by its backing document but restricted in some means those
restrictions still apply. A Bank CAN transfer any assets it owns (as
permitted by that Bank's contract) to any entity which is able to own
that asset (subject to any restrictions imposed on the transferring of
that asset by its backing document). If the transferring of an asset
would cause a secondary effect to occur, that effect is nullified if
the asset is transferred to or from a Bank.

In R2179 ("Points") replace:
Players generally CAN transfer points they own to other players,
     subject to the restrictions that no more than 5 points can be
     transferred this way to any one player, nor from any one player,
     per week.
Entities CAN transfer up to a total of 5+5i points they own to other
entities that are capable of owning points each week.


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