2009/9/27 ais523 <callforjudgem...@yahoo.co.uk>:
> On Wed, 2009-09-23 at 14:34 +0000, Alex Smith wrote:
>> --- On Wed, 23/9/09, Elliott Hird <penguinoftheg...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> > Proposal: No (AI=1.7,II=0)
>> > {
>> > Create N Rests in ais523's possession, where N is 24
>> > subtracted by the
>> > number of Rests in ais523's possession.
>> > }
>> I submit the following proposal: "No to No" (AI 1.7, II 1):
>> {
>> For each Rest in ais523's possession, destroy that Rest and
>> create 1 Rest in ehird's possession.
>> }
>> I don't intend to make this Distributable unless ehird's becomes 
>> Distributable somehow.
> If No is distributable, I play a Distrib-u-Matic to make No to No
> Distributable. (I don't really expect either to pass, though; although
> No to No is more likely IMO to pass as it will probably be ineffective
> unless No also passes.)
> --
> ais523

If No to No is distributable and I have at least one Committee, I play
Committee to make No to No Undistributable.


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