FWIW, there are no Enigma submissions this week either. There haven't
been for ages, in fact. So long that it isn't even worth talking about
doing duties in a timely manner as no points were awarded anyway.

I would insert a motivational speech at this point, except that I'm
dubious as to whether it would work and I'm not sure if I can drum up
the effort.

In other news, I've ported a couple of my puzzles from Enigma the Agoran
contest to Enigma the computer game <http://enigma-game.org/>; "Rainbow
Adjacencies" and "Covered Columns" (renamed "From Six to Twenty-Six")
are likely to be included in the next released version of the game, and
I've ported and submitted "Three in a Boat" (renamed "Boulder Crossing")
too (although it hasn't yet been accepted). Maybe I should port a few
more? ("Command Swapping" and "Tetromino Tiling" seem plausible,
although the former isn't really a good fit, and the latter is too
similar to certain existing levels.)

I have at least one other Enigma-the-contest puzzle stored up, but I'm
waiting until the next time there's enough interest that I can run a
Champion's Contest before submitting it.

Contestmaster, Enigma
Unofficial level submitter, Enigma

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