Dice server wrote:
# This message serves to pick the random deals that coppro will do
# for the Deck of Justice. This message does not actually award
# any card.
# Each roll corresponds to one card. Each player receives a number of
# draws as listed below; starting with the first player who has N
# deals, the next N unused rolls determine eir cards.
# .
# c. 6
# Murphy 3
# .
# The number rolled indicates the Card to be dealt, as follows:
# 1: Justice Ball
# 2-3: Dunce Cap
# 4-8: Penalty Box
# 9-13: Stool Pigeon
# 14-28: Discard Picking
# 29-48: Drop Your Weapon
# 49-78: Abosolv-o-Matic

  12 65 3 1 1 16 30 19 6

I award c. a Stool Pigeon, an Absolv-o-Matic, a Dunce Cap, two Justice Balls, and a Discard Picking.
I award Murphy a Drop Your Weapon, a Discard Picking, and a Penalty Box.


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