I judge CFJ 2750 UNDETERMINED. The way I parse the statement of the CFJ,
the conditional is only satisfied if the L&FD (the Chief Whip at the
time the CFJ was submitted) makes an announcement. Several rather
radical rule changes would be needed before that would be possible, and
it's impossible to guess what changes in Truthiness would or would not
be made at the same time. Therefore, there's insufficient evidence to
resolve the hypothetical.

I judge CFJ 2739 FALSE. "has been" is the present perfect progressive
tense; all the top few websites that I checked when doing a Google
search for this say that (if used with a duration, like it is in this
case) the meaning is of a condition that was continuously true for the
stated time period up until now, and is still true now. So "a
first-class person has been a player continuously for at least three
months" means "continuously during a time period of at least three
months ending now, a first-class person was a player". Although this
condition applies to Taral, it only applies for eir most recent
registration, not for any registration before that; and so, the only
time period which meets that condition fails the "was never a player
before that period" test. (In other words, Wooble's gratuitous arguments
are correct here.) Compare "a first-class person was registered for
three months", the present perfect (non-progressive) tense, which would
have the meaning that would make this CFJ true.


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