On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 1:53 PM, Ed Murphy <emurph...@socal.rr.com> wrote:
> Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=2871
> ===================  CFJ 2871 (Interest Index = 0)  ====================
>    There is a rule with ID number 2307
> ========================================================================
> the relevant paragraph of 2307:
> {{{
>      When the Agoran decision is resolved, if a Website Submission
>      was selected as the outcome, then its author is awarded two
>      Leadership Tokens and Taral SHOULD update http://agoranomic.org/
>      to reflect the winning Website Submission. Regardless of the
>      outcome, this rule then repeals itself.
> }}}
> ========================================================================

Since the word "then" comes in a clause that applies "regardless of
the outcome", it cannot be interpreted to refer to an action (Taral
updating http://agoranomic.org/) that is only mentioned in the context
of one sort of outcome; instead, it must refer to "when the Agoran
decision is resolved".  I suppose it might be argued that "its author
is awarded two Leadership Tokens and Taral SHOULD..." is part of a
process (which is null if a Website Submission was not selected as the
outcome), and "then" refers to the end of the process, but under that
interpretation, the rule would be assuming that Taral would indeed
update the website, which doesn't make sense when eir requirement to
do so is just a SHOULD.


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