On Thu, 7 Oct 2010, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 3:45 PM, ais523 <callforjudgem...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> > I intend to deputize for the Herald to select a random integer, but then
> > keep it secret, meaning that nobody else can resolve the rebellion
> > because the Herald's responsibility to select a random integer has
> > already been met so that deputization to do it is impossible.
> CFJ: { The Herald's obligated action of selecting and announcing a
> random integer is a single game action.}

Grautitous:  even using the dice server, it is not possible to select
and announce simultaneously.  It would be interesting as a precedent
to ask what sort of delays between selection and announcement make it
still a random process; for example if the herald performs game-relevant
actions between the selection and announcement, does it affect the
process?  -G.

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