I deputise for the Promotor to distribute the following proposal (from
last month).  The matter to be decided is whether to adopt it; the set
of eligible voters is the set of active first-class players at the
time of this message; the options available are FOR and AGAINST; the
vote collector is the Assessor, i.e. no one.

Proposal 6962 (omd, AI=3)
Another Option

Create a new Power-3.5 Rule titled "Emergency Management" (ID=0):

      Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, it is possible for rule
      changes to occur simultaneously.

      One second after this rule is enacted, the entire ruleset, as an
      atomic effect, is replaced with the following:

         Rule 1/0

         If a proposed ruleset for this game has had unanimous support
         for four days, judging by messages sent to the mailing list
         agora-business@agoranomic.org, then this rule is repealed and
         that ruleset is enacted.

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