For multiple reasons, this may not work, but... I intend to have Arkady English create the following promise and transfer it to me: "Text: I perform the action specified by the cashier. Conditions for non-destruction: 0 = 0."
Now, suppose I intend for my nephew to clean his room. It wouldn't make any sense for him to say, "Well, I support your intent, but I'm still not going to do it". The only reasonable way for him to support my intent would be to actually carry it out, right? In particular, if he supports the intent "as specified", and I specify that he cleans is room, that means he actually cleans his room. I create a promise with the condition "e = pi" and the text "If I have supported or objected to an action, I retract my support or objection for an action. I support or object the action as specified by the casher. This support/objection may not be withdrawn. OR I withdraw any votes I have made on a specified proposal, and use all my votes in the manner specified by the casher. These votes may not be withdrawn." I cash the promise Arkady English transferred to me about two hours ago, specifying that he support the intent I created above, by carrying it out. I then destroy the promise I created in the previous paragraph. I cash the promise Arkady English created just now, specifying the following action: calling a CFJ on the statement "I am Arkady English". If Arkady English did not just now call a CFJ on the statement "I am Arkady English", then I call a CFJ on that statement. I submit this entire message as evidence in the CFJ called in the above paragraph. —Tanner L. Swett