> ID: 7129
> Title: Why did we repeal that victory condition?
> Author: scshunt
> AI: 1.0
> Text:
> Bucky satisfies the Victory Condition of Paradox.

VICTORY ANNOUNCEMENT:  Bucky has satisfied the Victory Condition of Paradox.

CoE:  This is not a factually-correct Victory Announcement about a Rules-
defined Victory Condition.

Proposal, 're-paradox', AI-1.7 please:  
If Bucky has not already been awarded the Patent Title Champion (with 
method 'Paradox') for the passage of Proposal 7129, then it is hereby

CFJ:  The text labelled in this message as a Victory Announcement is a
factually-correct Victory Announcement.

I bar Bucky.

Not a "rules-defined victory condition" at the time that Proposal 7129 took 
effect.  Note that the author of R2343/3 was very very explicit at limiting
victory conditions to rules-defined ones as the result of a recent scam, so
the intent of this new rule text should be considered.

Proposal 7129 passed before R2343/3 took effect (in Proposal 7135) and 
victory conditions did not have to be rules defined in R2343/2.  So a likely 
interpretation is that the win was quite valid and a Victory Condition was
achieved but no Victory Announcement is currently possible.


[The above ?-?-? delimited text, please].

Rule 2343/3 (Power=1.7)
Victory Conditions [excerpt]
       A Victory Condition is a condition explicitly defined by the
       rules as a victory condition.  A Victory Announcement is a
       published statement labeled as a Victory Announcement that
       states clearly that a specified person or persons have satisfied
       a specified and rules-defined victory condition (and explicitly
       and clearly states which persons and which victory condition).
       A Victory Announcement is self-ratifying.

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