I create a proposal with adoption index 3, coauthor ehird, title
{DEFENSE FIX Mk III}, and text
 Create a power-3 rule with title {Voting Chambers} and text
      Voting Chambers are a class of entity. Open Voting Chambers are a
      class of Voting Chambers. Ordinary is an Open Voting Chamber.
      Democratic is an Open Voting Chamber. Creating a Voting Chamber or
      Open Voting Chamber is Secured with power 2.
 Amend Rule 1950 by replacing the text
      Chamber is a switch possessed by Agoran decisions with adoption
      indices and proposals, with values Ordinary (default) and
      Chamber is a switch possessed by Agoran decisions with adoption
      indices and proposals, with values any Voting Chamber, by default
 If Rule 2350 contains the text
      * An adoption index and Chamber.
 replace that text with
      * Its adoption index.
      * Its Chamber, which must be an Open Voting Chamber.
 If Rule 2350 contains the text
      * An adoption index.
      * A Chamber.
 replace that text with
      * Its adoption index.
      * Its Chamber, which must be an Open Voting Chamber.
 Amend Rule 2357 by adding after the second paragraph the text
      Gerontocratic is a Voting Chamber. The voting limit of any non-elder
      on a Gerontocratic decision is zero, rules to the contrary
 , adding at the end the text
      * Any Elder CAN, with 2 Elder Support, set the Chamber of an Agoran
        Decision to Gerontocratic
 , and removing the sentence beginning
      * Any Elder, with 4 Elder Support, CAN set the Adoption Index

On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Elliott Hird
<penguinoftheg...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 2 June 2012 21:48, Elliott Hird <penguinoftheg...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> You might as well just let the Elders fail a proposal (which seems a bit 
>> iffy to me).
> To expand on this: We're meant to be something approximating
> democracy. If a majority of players want us to surrender to the
> Aerican Empire, then a few elders shouldn't be able to stop that. I
> would suggest instead that Elders be able to declare proposals
> unvotable-on by new players (for some measure of "new"), to
> counter-act people joining solely to invade. The time of safety that
> this allows can be used to pass a proposal to kick them all out.

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