I wrote:
I wrote:
Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=3217
========================= Criminal Case 3217 =========================
Sun, 27 May 2012 14:14:46 +0100
Caller: FKA441344
Judge: ais523
Called by FKA441344: 27 May 2012 13:14:46 GMT
Defendant FKA441344 informed: 27 May 2012 13:14:46 GMT
Assigned to ais523: (as of this message)
Caller's Arguments:
Rule 2350(either version) says "A player CAN create a
proposal[...]". If Rule 2365 is interpreted as making it IMPOSSIBLE to
create a proposal without paying a cost, it conflicts with Rule 2350
which takes precedence due to higher power.
Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=3218
============================== CFJ 3218 ==============================
Sun, 27 May 2012 14:14:46 +0100
Caller: FKA441344
Judge: ais523
Called by FKA441344: 27 May 2012 13:14:46 GMT
Assigned to ais523: (as of this message)
Caller's Arguments:
Rule 2350(either version) says "A player CAN create a
proposal[...]". If Rule 2365 is interpreted as making it IMPOSSIBLE to
create a proposal without paying a cost, it conflicts with Rule 2350
which takes precedence due to higher power.
Ugh, copy+paste fail. If I haven't already, I assign CFJs 3217 and 3218
to FKA441344, with statements as below and other details as above.
3217: Earlier in this message, FKA441344 violated Rule 2365 by
submitting a proposal without paying the cost.
3218: Earlier in this message, FKA441344 submitted a proposal without
paying a cost.
Er, no, they were initiated by FKA441344. (My coffee has yet to
properly kick in.) If I haven't already, I assign CFJs 3217 and 3218 to
ais523, with statements as below the first instance of "copy+paste fail"
and other details as above it.