On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Ed Murphy <emurph...@socal.rr.com> wrote:
> Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=3235
> ==============================  CFJ 3235  ==============================
>    In the above quoted Census, FKA441344 created a Slave Golem.
> ========================================================================

FALSE. I do not entirely agree with the submission by OscarMeyr, and I
cite in particular a Notary report of ais523 (which I do not have on
hand, sorry) with several intents buried in the middle of the report.
However, in that case, they were not presented as a footnote to the
report, merely as an interruption of the report's content. A report
is, by its nature, a set of statements about the gamestate. A footnote
is an explanatory text, and should be interpreted in that context and
that context alone.


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