On 19 September 2012 18:03, Sean Hunt <scsh...@csclub.uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> Decision of whether to adopt it.  For this decision, the eligible
> voters are the active first-class players at the time of this
> distribution, the vote collector is the Assessor, and the valid
> options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote).  Then,
> I assign each listed proposal the ID number specified under 'NUM'.
> The Proposal Pool is empty.
> 7309 3.0 Ordinary      scshunt     Conditional Destruction
> 7310 1.0 Plutocratic   scshunt     Richard Potato Boat
> 7311 2.0 Ordinary      Murphy      Ink rationing
> 7312 1.7 Ordinary      G.          Win by Clout
> 7313 1.0 Ordinary      Machiavelli Agora expects that every person
> will do eir duty
> {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
> ID: 7309
> Title: Conditional Destruction
> Author: scshunt
> AI: 3.0
> Chamber: Ordinary
> Amend Rule 2337 by replacing:
>       Optionally, the author CAN, in the creating message, specify one
>       or more conditions required to be true for the promise to be
>       cashed, and/or one or more conditions required to be true for
>       the promise not to be destroyed when cashed.
> with:
>       Optionally, the author CAN, in the creating message specify one
>       or more of the following:
>          a) a title
>          b) one or more conditions required to be true for the promise
>             to be cashed;
>          c) one or more conditions required to be true for the promise
>             not to be destroyed when cashed; and
>          d) one or more conditions under which the author of the promise
>             can destroy it.
> and by appending:
>       If a promise has one or more conditions under which the author of
>       the promise can destroy it, and they are all satisfied, then the author
>       CAN destroy that promise with notice.


> {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
> ID: 7310
> Title: Richard Potato Boat
> Author: scshunt
> AI: 1.0
> Chamber: Plutocratic
> Enact a new rule reading:
>       scshunt CAN, by announcement, cause this rule to perform a
> specified Rule Change.

I spend a ruble and vote AGAINST.

> {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
> ID: 7311
> Title: Ink rationing
> Author: Murphy
> AI: 2.0
> Chamber: Ordinary
> Amend Rule 2366 (Veto and Rubberstamp) by appending this text:
>       The above notwithstanding, a player holding the Speakership CANNOT
>       perform one of these actions if e already performed that action
>       for a different proposal earlier in the same week.


> {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
> ID: 7312
> Title: Win by Clout
> Author: G.
> AI: 1.7
> Chamber: Ordinary
> Enact the following Rule, Win by Clout, Power-1.7:
>       If a single Player has a voting limit on an Agoran Decision
>       that has a Chamber, and that voting limit, at the end of the
>       Decision's voting period, is greater than the combined voting
>       limits of all other entities on that decision, that player
>       satisfies the Victory Condition of Clout.
>       If a correct Victory Announcement is made for such a win, this
>       Victory Condition ceases to be a Victory Condition for Decisions
>       in the same Chamber for 21 days following the announcement.


> {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
> ID: 7313
> Title: Agora expects that every person will do eir duty
> Author: Machiavelli
> AI: 1.0
> Chamber: Ordinary
> Amend Rule 2143, "Official Reports and Duties", to read:
>       For each person:
>       a) If any task is defined by the rules as part of that person's
>           weekly duties, then e SHALL perform it at least once each
>           week, except if the Speed is Slow, in which case the duties
>           SHALL be completed once each fortnight.  If any information
>           is defined by the rules as part of that person's weekly
>           report, then e SHALL maintain all such information, and the
>           publication of all such information is part of eir weekly
>           duties.
>       b) If any task is defined by the rules as part of that person's
>           monthly duties, then e SHALL perform it at least once each
>           month.  If any information is defined by the rules as part
>           of that person's monthly report, then e SHALL maintain all
>           such information, and the publication of all such
>           information is part of eir monthly duties.
>       Any information defined by the rules as part of a person's
>       report, without specifying which one, is part of eir weekly
>       report.  Failure of a person to perform any duty required of em
>       within the allotted time is the Class-2 crime of Tardiness.
>       While performing weekly or monthly duties or publishing weekly
>       or monthly reports, persons SHALL NOT publish information that
>       is inaccurate or misleading.
>       Reports SHALL be published in plain text.  Tabular data must
>       line up properly when viewed in a monospaced font.  Publishing a
>       report that deviates from these regulations is the Class 2 Crime
>       of Making My Eyes Bleed.


> {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
> -scshunt

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