I wrote:

Voting results for Proposals 7426-34:

[This notice resolves the Agoran decisions of whether to adopt the
   following proposals.  For each decision, the options available to
   Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!).]

*7426  1.0  omd         Non-reporting Office
x7427  1.0  omd         Dishonor Rolls
*7428  1.0  omd         Agoran arms in a rule
x7429  1.0  omd         Protection Racket
*7430  1.0  omd         The Envoy
x7431  2.0  Walker
x7432  1.0  Walker      Downsizing
*7433  3.0  Walker      Rule Changes Fix
x7434  3.0  omd         Fifty-Nine Thirty-Seven

             7426  7427  7428  7429  7430  7431  7432  7433  7434

ais523       4A    4A    4A    4A    4A    4P    4A    4F    4P
Machiavel                4F    4A          4A    4F    4F    4A
omd          7F    7F    7F    7F    7F    7A    7F    7P    7F
Roujo        4A    4A    4A    4A    4P    4P    4A    4P    4P
Walker       4F    4A    4F    4A    4F    4F    4F    4F    4P
Wes          4F    4A    4A    4A    4F    4A    4A    4F    4A
woggle       4A    4A    4F    4A    4A    4A    4A    4P    4P

AI            1     1     1     1     1     2     1     3     3
VI            1.25  0.35  1.5+  0.2+  1.8+  0.2+  0.9+ *U*    0.8+
F/A         15/12  7/20 19/12  7/24 15/8   4/19 15/16 16/0   7/8

Quorum        7     7     7     7     7     7     7     7     7
Voters        6     6     7     7     6     7     7     7     7

None of these have self-ratified, as omd's CoE "quorum was 5" is
still outstanding.

CoE, accepted:  Quorum on each of these was 6.  (There were 16 active
players at the start of the voting periods:  ais523, ehird, FSX, G.,
Henri, Machiavelli, Max Schutz, Murphy, omd, Roujo, scshunt, Tomas,
Walker, Wes, woggle, Yally.)

All other outstanding CoEs on these are denied.  Specifically:

  * scshunt's "No it doesn't" was insufficiently specific.
  * omd's "quorum was 5" was incorrect.
  * My and G.'s claims of missed votes were incorrect (the alleged
      votes missed the end of the normal voting period, and no
      voting periods were extended due to lack of quorum).

I resolve these decisions as quoted above and below, except that
quorum on each decision was 6.

Text of adopted proposals:


Proposal 7426 (AI=1, Ordinary) by omd, pikhq
Non-reporting Office

Create a rule with the following text:
There exists an office of Governmental Waste. This office shall have no
duties, shall make no reports, and shall exist as the sole result of
governmental waste.


Proposal 7428 (AI=1, Ordinary) by omd, Zefram, GreyKnight
Agoran arms in a rule

Enact a rule titled "Agoran Arms" with text

       The escutcheon of Agora is defined by the following blazon:
       Tierced palewise sable, argent, and sable, charged with a quill
       and an axe in saltire, proper, and in the chief a capital letter
       A, gules.


Proposal 7430 (AI=1, Ordinary) by omd, Zefram
The Envoy

Create a rule titled "The Envoy" with the text:

      The person who is most responsible for advertising Agora and
      soliciting new Players, in the opinion of the Speaker, shall be
      known as the Envoy.  Any changes in the identity of the Envoy
      shall take effect when announced publicly by the Speaker.

      The Envoy shall advertise Agora on a regular basis in any
      non-Agoran public forums e deems appropriate.


Proposal 7433 (AI=3, Ordinary) by Walker
Rule Changes Fix

Amend Rule 105 by replacing

       (a) enact a rule.  The new rule has power equal to the minimum
           of the power specified by the enacting instrument,
           defaulting to one if the enacting instrument does not
           specify, and the maximum power permitted by other rules.
           The enacting instrument may specify a title for the new
           rule, which if present shall prevail.  The ID number of the
           new rule cannot be specified by the enacting instrument; any
           attempt to so specify is null and void.


       (a) enact a rule.  The new rule has power equal to the minimum
           of the power specified by the enacting instrument,
           defaulting to one if the enacting instrument does not
           specify or if it specifies a power less than one, and the
           maximum power permitted by other rules.  The enacting
           instrument may specify a title for the new rule, which if
           present shall prevail.  The ID number of the new rule cannot
           be specified by the enacting instrument; any attempt to so
           specify is null and void.

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