On 26 December 2013 23:23, woggle <woggl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/24/13 14:17 , Tanner Swett wrote:
> > On Dec 15, 2013, at 4:01 PM, Tanner Swett wrote:
> >> I intend, without objection, to ratify the following document: "As of the 
> >> beginning of 15 Dec 13, no elections are in progress, other than the Gov. 
> >> Waste election."
> >
> > I do so.
> >
> > On Dec 13, 2013, yada yada, Kerim "G." Aydin wrote:
> >> I deputize for the IADoP to initiate the Agoran Decisions to select the
> >> holder of office of Government Waste. The vote collector is the
> >> IADoP; the eligible voters are the active first-class players.
> >>
> >> The candidates and proposed salaries:
> >>    G.        (1.0e+06 Yaks)
> >>    Sprocklem (1.0e+06 Yaks + 1 more Yak)
> >>    Roujo     (1.0e+12 Yaks)
> >>    woggle    (3.7e+01 Yaks and a turnip)
> >
> > I resolve this Agoran Decision. There was one vote: Sprocklem voted for 
> > Sprocklem. As such, the outcome is Sprocklem.
> Claim of error: The outcome would be FAILED QUORUM, thereby extending the
> voting period per R2168.
> I vote WOGGLE in the above quoted election.
> - woggle

If able, I vote for Sprocklem.


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