On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 23:06:08 +0200
Luis Ressel <ara...@aixah.de> wrote:

> I believe that six offices are a tad to much for a single person, and
> that the offices of Promotor, Assessor and Rulekeepor should ideally
> be held by three different persons. Therefore, I initiate an election
> for the Assessor.
> I initiate an Agoran decision to determine the new Assessor. For this
> decision, the vote collector is the IADoP and the valid options are
> the players (PRESENT is also valid vote).

I vote as follows:

a) If woggle submits a ballot on this Decision and does not explicitly
   express that he isn't interested in becoming the Assessor, I vote for

b) Otherwise, I endorse ais523 unless he does not submit a valid ballot
   on this decision.

c) Otherwise, I vote for Gaelan.


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