I vote:

> 7758*  omd        1.0  IADoP Untitling
FOR with pseudo-acronym

> 7759*  G.         3.0  minor Powers v0.2
FOR; I don't actually like it, but I have no particular reason for not
liking it, and if we don't like the effects we can undo it.

> 7760+  G.         3.0  Next Win System

> 7761+  G.         1.7  I wonder what this does

> 7762+  G.         2.0  Simple PoAs
AGAINST; the phrasing "CAN act on behalf of another player" is too
vague. (What does "CAN act" mean? Does it mean they can do anything
whatsoever? What, exactly, must the Agent announce? "I act on behalf
of $(other player)."? If player A acts on behalf of player B, who
actually performed the action, A or B? If it's A who actually
performed the action, then what's the significance of the fact that
the action was performed on behalf of B?)

--the Warrigal

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