I intend to cause “Cleanup Time” to make the following rules, without Objection:

Amend the following rules by replacing a), b), etc. with 1., 2., etc (when used 
at the beginning of a line):
“Organizational Restructuring”
“The Secretary”
“Festival Restrictions”
“Dependent Actions”
“Election Procedure”
“Official Reports and Duties”
“The Agoran Newspaper”
“The Associate Director of Personnel”
“The Registrar”
“Cleanup Time”
“The Logical Rulesets”
“Vote Protection and Cutoff for Challenges”
“Reward and Delay"

Amend the following rules by making the above change and reducing the indent 
level of the list:
“Agoran Decisions”

Amend the following rules by replacing (a), (b), etc. with 1., 2., etc, and 
removing one space before wrapped lines to preserve alignment:
“Festival Restrictions”
"Initiating Agoran Decisions”
“Resolving Agora Decisions”
“Common Definitions”
“Rule Changes”
“Power Controls Mutability”
“Office Incompatibilities”
“Expediting Proposals”
“Voting on Agoran Decisions"

Amend the following rules by replacing (1), (2), etc. with 1., 2., etc, and 
removing one space before wrapped lines to preserve alignment:
“Common Definitions”
“Agoran Satisfaction”
“Determining the Will of Agora"

Amend the following rules by replacing 1), 2), etc. with 1., 2., etc (when used 
at the beginning of a line):
“Dependent Actions”

Amend the following rules by replacing i), ii), etc. with 1., 2., etc, and 
removing spaces at the beginning of the changed lines to make indentation 

Amend “Happy Birthday” by de-indenting the quote and inserting “> “ before each 
line of the quote.

I intend an Agency with 24 Hour’s notice with the following information:
Title: My Kangaroo Driver
Agents: All players currently registered.
Any agent who has submitted a proposal that was accepted within the past 24 
hours which is formatted such that it renders properly as Markdown (and 
contains elements of formatting other than simple paragraphs) may cause Gaelan 
to give them 2 shinies, if Gaelan has more than 2 shinies.

Any agent may make another player an agent (with 24 hours’ notice).

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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