I call for reconsideration. There was also some controversy
about whether or not a barring attempt made after the calling
 of the CFJ worked. This judgement should resolve that.

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 1:55 AM, Aris Merchant <
thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Juge's arguments for CFJ 3523:
> As the caller argues, "TTttPF" (this time to the Public Forum) has a very
> specific meaning and effect. It causes the actions that would have been
> taken
> had the quoted message been originally sent to the public forum to be
> taken.
> Despite being defined by no rule, game custom makes its meaning clear to
> all
> players. The question here is whether other, less established forms may
> have
> similar effect. "TTttPF" is a creature entirely of convention. It has
> effect
> because all players understand what it means. The message here could not,
> in context, be reasonably misunderstood. I therefore rule that it has
> effect,
> but only in this particular instance. There are other cases where the
> phrasing
> could be misunderstood. For example, what if the player took other actions
> in the new message? Then the meaning could be "this action didn't work, and
> I've changed my mind and am doing other actions". Unlikely, but possible.
> I thus
> rule that the established phrasing should be preferred for its lack of
> ambiguity, and this case's phrasing succeeded because, in context, it
> lacked
> any other reasonable interpretation. TRUE.

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