this seems fun so i'm going to try it.

I intend, with 24 hours' notice, to create the organization Agoran
Estate Bloc and flip its Charter switch to the following:

Agoran Estate Bloc (AEB)


An amendment to this Organization is Appropriate if intent to perform
it was announced between 4 and 14 days ago, and there are not two
objections or or one objection from the acting CEO.

All actions described by this Charter and pertaining to Organizations
are limited in scope to this Organization.

All references of "AEB" in this document refer to Agoran Estate Bloc.
All instances of "member" in this document refer to members of AEB.

Any player may become a member of AEB by setting eir budget switch for
the pair of em and AEB to 25. Any player may leave AEB by setting eir
budget switch for the pair of em and AEB to 0.

All actions taken in this charter MUST be performed publicly unless
otherwise stated. Actions using powers vested by this charter that are
not announced publicly may be ineffective.


The CEO switch is a switch managed by AEB and tracked by the acting
CEO with valid values of the names of all members and 0, and default
value 0. When AEB is created, the CEO switch is flipped to "grok".

The Interim CEO switch is a switch managed by AEB and tracked by the
acting CEO with valid values of the names of all members and 0, and
default value 0.

At the beginning of the second week of each month, the acting CEO
SHALL initiate an AEB Board Election with a voting period of at least
4 days and no longer than 7 days. All members in Good Standing or on
Official Warning at the calling of each AEB Board Election are
eligible voters and valid selections for that AEB Board Election. At
the end of each AEB Board Election, if there is a clear winner, the
winner of the AEB Board Election SHALL flip the CEO switch to eir own

In the event of a tie, the acting CEO SHALL initiate an AEB Instant
Run-Off Election immediately, with a voting period of at least 4 days
and no longer than 7 days. The set of valid voting selections is equal
to the set of players who recieved the most votes in the most recent
AEB Board Election, and all members in Good Standing or on Official
Warning are eligible votesr. If an AEB Instant Run-Off Election is
held and there is a clear winner, the winner of the AEB Instant
Run-Off Election SHALL flip the CEO switch to eir own name.

If there is no clear winner following an AEB Instant Run-Off Election
and the CEO switch is not set to 0, the current CEO remains the CEO
until the results of the next AEB Board Election are assessed.

The acting CEO is the assessor for all AEB voting procedure.

At the beginning of the second week of each Agoran month, the acting
CEO SHALL report on the status of every switch created by AEB's
charter. The acting CEO is ENCOURAGED to provide this report in the
same message in which e initiates an AEB Board Election.


Standing is a set of switches belonging to (AEB, Member) pairs with a
default value of Good Standing and legal values of the set [Good
Standing,Official Warning,Suspended,Idle]. All Standing switches are
tracked by the acting CEO.

At the beginning of each Agoran month, each member MAY pay five
shinies to AEB in a timely manner. If a member does, e may flip the
Standing switch for the pair of emself and AEB to Good Standing if it
is not already set to Good Standing and eir Standing switch may not be
flipped again this month.

At the beginning of each Agoran month, if a member's Standing switch
is set to Good Standing and that player does not pay five shinies to
AEB in a timely manner, any member MAY flip the Standing switch for
the pair of the offending player and AEB to Official Warning.

At the beginning of each Agoran month, if a member's Standing switch
is set to Official Warning and that player does not pay five shinies
to AEB in a timely manner, any member MAY flip the Standing switch for
the pair of the offending player and AEB to to Suspended.

If the Standing switch for the pair of a member and AEB is set to
Suspended, that player may pay ten shinies to AEB at any time. If e
does, e MAY flip the Standing switch for the pair of emself and AEB to
Good Standing.

If a member did not vote on the last Agoran Decision, the acting CEO
may flip the Standing switch for the pair of that member and AEB to
Idle. The next time that player votes on an Agoran Decision, e may
Invoke AEB Privilege and pledge not to change eir vote on a specific
voting matter. If e does, the CEO may flip the Standing switch for the
pair of that player and AEB to the value it had before it was most
recently set to Idle.

A player's Standing switch may only be flipped once per month unless
it is flipped by a Suspended player paying ten shinies to AEB.


Expulsion is a set of switches belonging to (AEB, Player) pairs with a
default value of 0 and legal values of the set [0,Expelled]. All
Expulsion switches are tracked by the acting CEO.

If a player breaks a pledge which Invokes AEB Privilege while e is a
member, the acting CEO MAY initiate a vote to place that player into
Expulsion, with Consent among members that are not named in the voting
issue. This action may be taken up to one month after the pledge is
broken. If the motion passes, the acting CEO MAY flip the Expulsion
switch for the pair of the named player and AEB to Expelled.

If a player violates a SHALL NOT outlined in this charter while e is a
member, the acting CEO MAY initiate a vote to place that player into
Expulsion, with Consent among members in Good Standing or on Official
Warning that are not named in the voting issue. This action may be
taken up to one month after the SHALL NOT is violated. If the motion
passes, the acting CEO MAY flip the Expulsion switch for the pair of
the named player and AEB to Expelled.

At any time, the CEO MAY announce intent to flip a player's Expulsion
switch to Expelled Without Objection from members excluding the player
named in the intent. If there is no objection, the acting CEO MAY flip
the Expulsion switch for the pair of the named player and AEB to

If a player sets eir income switch to 0 while e is in possession of
one or more estates that belonged to AEB more recently than they last
belonged to Agora, any player may flip the offending player's
Expulsion switch to Expelled.

If a player's Standing switch has been set to Suspended for six months
or more, the acting CEO MAY flip the Expulsion switch for the pair of
that suspended player and AEB to Expelled.

An Expelled player cannot vote on AEB issues, become CEO, or perform
amendments to AEB's charter.

If the Standing switch for the pair of a member and AEB is set to
Expelled, that player may transfer an Estate to AEB at any time to
flip the Standing switch for the pair of emself and AEB to Good

If a player's Expulsion switch has been set to Expelled for six months
or greater, the acting CEO MAY initiate a vote to flip that player's
Expulsion switch to 0 with Consent from members in Good Standing or on
Official Warning. If the motion passes, the acting CEO MAY flip that
player's Expulsion switch to 0.


If the CEO is Expelled or Suspended, or if the CEO and Interim CEO
switches are both set to 0, a member may deputise to become Interim
CEO by flipping the Interim CEO switch to eir own name. As long as the
CEO switch is set to 0, the Interim CEO is considered the acting CEO
for all of the acting CEO's duties and vested powers.

As long as the CEO is Expelled or Suspended, the Interim CEO MAY flip
the CEO switch to 0.

Whenever the CEO switch is set to a legal value that is not 0, if
there is an Interim CEO, the CEO SHALL flip the Interim CEO switch to

If a player has ever been the CEO and that player's Expulsion switch
is flipped to Expelled, that player's Expulsion switch CANNOT be
flipped from Expelled to 0.

If the CEO switch and Interim CEO switch are both set to 0, the player
with the highest AEB Budget switch may flip the Interim CEO switch to
eir own name.


Whenever the Surveyor puts an estate up for auction, the CEO SHALL
make at least one bid on that auction on AEB's behalf, using any
number of shinies held by AEB. The CEO may make additional bids on
AEB's behalf, but SHALL NOT use shinies other than those owned by AEB.

If a bid on AEB's behalf is the winning bid, the Estate SHALL be
transferred to AEB.

Estates SHALL NOT be transferred from AEB to a player unless otherwise
stated by AEB's charter.

Whenever a member places a vote, e may pledge to Invoke AEB Privilege
and not change eir vote on one or more specific voting matters.

The CEO may transfer any number of estates from AEB to emself without
objection among members in Good Standing if the following conditions
are all met:

 - All members who are not Suspended, Expelled, or Idle have voted on
one voting issue.
 - All players who voted this way have voted for the same legal voting
option or have endorsed a member who has unambiguously voted for the
same legal option.
 - All players who have voted this way have made an announcement
Invoking AEB Privilege and pledging not to change eir vote on the
unanimous voting issue.

If the CEO transfers one or more estates from AEB to emself, the CEO
SHALL use all estates transferred this way to increase eir voting
strength on an issue which meets the conditions which allowed the CEO
to transfer one or more estates to emself in the same message in which
e transferred one or more estates from AEB to emself.

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