I CoE this and the Superintendent's Weekly Report published early today: Equal Oppurtunity Humiliation is an Agency [1].

[1] https://www.mail-archive.com/agora-business@agoranomic.org/msg28930.html

On 07/30/2017 09:26 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:
Superintendent's Monthly Report

Long List of agencies:

Agoran SubNomic Corporation  (ASC)
Head: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
Agents:  All persons
Powers:  Participation is a type of negative boolean person switch,
   like that defined in Rule 2162/8. There exists an instance of the
   Participation switch for each combination of a person and a subnomic
   (defined below). The internal state of the Agoran SubNomic
   Corporation consists of any documents or switches defined in this
   field or in documents defined therein. No amendment to this document
   shall change the internal state of the Agoran SubNomic Corporation
   beyond the explicit textual changes, unless explicitly stated

Any person with a Participation switch of true between emselves and a
   specific subnomic, may, if allowed by the ruleset (see below) of
   that subnomic, publish a report covering some subset of the internal
   state of the subnomic with which eir participation switch is true,
   on behalf of Publius Scribonius Scholasticus.

A subnomic is an entity having a unique name, a ruleset, an internal
   state, and a playership. The internal state of a subnomic consists
   of any documents or switches defined in the ruleset of that subnomic
   or in documents defined therein. The playership of a subnomic is a
   set of all people for whom the participation switch between em and
   the specific subnomic is true. All members of the playership shall
   be bound by the ruleset. The ruleset of a subnomic is a document
   which governs play of the subnomic.

A subnomic may be created by any person by announcement by publishing
   a ruleset to begin the playing of the subnomic with, declaring a
   unique name for the subnomic, and flipping the participation switch
   between em and the new subnomic to true. Persons may never flip a
   participation switch that is not eir own.

A subnomic may be destroyed by Publius Scribonius Scholasticus without

If allowed by the ruleset of a specific subnomic, any person may flip
   the participation switch between em and the specific subnomic.
   Persons SHALL NOT flip eir participation switches to true unless
   allowed by the rulesets of the specific subnomics. At any time, a
   person may flip eir participation switch with a certain subnomic to

Ben Öyle Öneriyorum  (BÖÖ)
Head: Quazie
Agents:  G.
Powers:  1. The ability to submit proposals.
2. The ability to pend proposals using mechanisms described by the


Gaelan Is Impatient  (GII)
Head: Gaelan
Agents:  All Players
Powers:  Perform any actions Gaelan has listed as Performable By
   Agency, subject to any restrictions e has specified in that
   announcement, if Gaelan has not specified more than 24 hours prior
   that the action is no longer Performable By Agency.

G. is Overlord of Dunce  (GOD)
Head: Quazie
Agents:  G.
Powers:   1 - The ability to give notice to establish Agencies with
   Quazie as the Director or Head and G. as the only agent
   2 - The ability to establish Agencies with Quazie as the Director or
   Head and G. as the only agent

My Kangaroo Driver  (MKD)
Head: Gaelan
Agents:  All players currently registered
Powers:  Any agent who has submitted a proposal that was accepted
   within the past 24 hours which is formatted such that it renders
   properly as Markdown (and contains elements of formatting other than
   simple paragraphs) may cause Gaelan to give them 2 shinies, if
   Gaelan has more than 2 shinies.

Any agent may make another player an agent (with 24 hours’ notice).

Publius Registers for Nomic  (PRN)
Head: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
Agents:  All Persons
Powers:  If Publius Scribonius Scholasticus is not a player, any
   person may register em as a player.

Scribonius Scholasticus and the Pledges  (SSP)
Head: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
Agents:  All Players
Powers:  If Publius Scribonius Scholasticus makes a pledge in which e
   pledges X Shinies in return for an action or statement, the first
   player to fulfill the action/statement in the pledge can transfer X
   Shinies from Publius Scribonius Scholasticus to emself.

Who Trusts Quazie  (WTQ)
Head: Quazie
Agents:  All Players
Powers:  If a player issues Quazie a Trust Token from emself, then
   they may issue emself a Trust Token from Quazie

grok's Favorite Player  (gFP)
Head: grok
Agents:  All players
Powers:  1) gFP has a single Name switch. gFP's Name switch can only
   be flipped by the Director of gFP. The legal values for the Name
   switch are the name of any single registered Player as defined by
   Rule 869. If the text of a player's name includes the words
   "deregister," "de-register," "announce," "intend," or any
   conjugation of or direct variation on those words, it is not a legal

2) Once per Agoran week, if an agent either writes a Kind Message
   about grok in any public forum or gives grok 3 shinies, that agent
   may act on behalf of grok to flip gFP's Name switch to any legal

3) If a player that has never given grok a Trust Token gives grok a
   Trust Token, that player may act on behalf of grok to flip gFP's
   Name switch to any legal position once.

4) grok is the Director and Head of gFP.
grok, Personal Attorney (gPA)
Head: grok
Agents: All players except grok
Powers: Any agent may pay grok 5 shinies to activate gPA. If a player
does, e may make the following pldege on grok's behalf, replacing the
string 'XXXX' with a string of numbers that matches the numeric code
of an open CFJ: "I pledge to either submit one or more gratuitous
arguments for CFJ XXXX or pay 5 shinies to the player who posted this
message on my behalf."

𒌑𒉌𒋻 შეესაბამება एजेन्सी  (𒌑შए)
Head: 天火狐
Agents:  All persons
Powers:  Any person may refer to this Agency by another name, provided
   that it is unambiguous. Given that the transliteration of the name,
   UShE is recommended.

A History of agency related events:
2017-07-24 - Grok establishes gPA
2017-06-05 - Superintendent's Weekly Report Published
2017-06-05 - Quazie establishes BÖÖ
2017-06-04 - Publius Scribonius Scholasticus establishes ASC
2017-05-27 - Gaelan establishes GII
2017-05-27 - CuddleBeam establishes C♥️U
2017-05-27 - CuddleBeam establishes C♥️N
2017-05-27 - CuddleBeam revokes BGW
2017-05-27 - CuddleBeam revokes ACP
2017-05-25 - Superintendent's Weekly Report Published
2017-05-24 - grok establishes gFP
2017-05-23 - 天火狐 establishes 𒌑შए
2017-05-23 - Publius Scribonius Scholasticus establishes PRN
2017-05-22 - Quazie establishes WTQ
2017-05-22 - CuddleBeam establishes ACP
2017-05-22 - CuddleBeam establishes BGW
2017-05-21 - Quazie changes GOD
2017-05-20 - Publius Scribonius Scholasticus establishes SSP
2017-05-20 - Gaelan establishes MKD
2017-05-20 - Quazie establishes GOD
2017-05-18 - Superintendent's Monthly Report Published
2017-05-18 - Superintendent's Weekly Report Published
2017-04-23 - Aris revokes PDA
2017-04-16 - Superintendent's Monthly Report Published
2017-02-13 - Aris establishes PDA

[Note: Events and Agencies preceded by a ! are potentially invalid pending CFJ]

[Archive available at https://agoranomic.github.io/Superintendent/]
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

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