I'm dumb whoops.

I retract any CFJs that I may have called and pay 2/20ths of the current
list price in Shinies
(I currently own 50) and call the following CFJs
{{I call a CFJ on "The rule change purporting to enact a rule entitled
Overhaul 2.0 is "wholly void and without effect" under rule 217, which
prohibits any
rule that would "prevent a person from initiating a formal process to resolve
of controversy, in the reasonable expectation that the controversy will
thereby be

The new rule creates an obligation to pay 1 ap or some amount of shinies to
any CFJ. While we know that a reasonable limit on how many CFJs may be
is legal (I think?), we're not sure if stopping anyone bereft of Shinies or
APs is legal
especially if APs and Shinies are also needed to do other game actions.
{{I call a CFJ on "A player that announces intent to perform an action
without N
objections does not need to wait four days before performing it"}}

The operable text is "If the action is to be performed *With N Objections*,
With N
Agoran Consent, or With Notice, if the intent was announced at least 4 days

"With N objections" is meant to say "Without N objections" but there is no
period enumerated for performing an action without N objections. I guess a
period should be read in as a matter of common law (to stop people from
themselves winners instantly) but still.

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