Instead of choosing between AP and Shinies, players can create CFJs and
Pend proposals and automatically create Debts. As proposed, there's no
upper limit on Debts. The downsides of debts are being locked out of
stamps and auctions, and I'd add the agoraculture mechanism if that
passes. This proposal also encourages (but doesn't require) the Arbitor
and Promotor to note the Debts involved with their offices for convenience.

Title: Debts
Author: nichdel
Co-authors: o, grok, aris
AI: 3

Enact a new, power-2 rule titled "Debts"

   Debts are a fixed, indestructible currency. The Secretary is the
   recordkeepor of debts.

   If a rule specifies something can be done by 'accruing x Debt' then a
   player CAN do the specified action by increasing eir Debt balance by

   A player CAN, by announcement, pay Agora a specified number of
   shinies to decrease eir Debts balance by the same number. Any attempt
   to decrease any Debts balance past 0 is INEFFECTIVE.

Repeal "Action Points"

Amend R991 "Calls for Judgement" to read, in full:

   Any person (the initiator) can initiate a Call for Judgement (CFJ,
   syn. Judicial Case), specifying a statement to be inquired into by
   either paying the CFJ Fee in shinies or by accruing the same amount
   of debt. If neither method is specified, the initiator does the

   The CFJ Fee is N/5 * 1/20th the Floating Value, where N is the number
   of CFJs the initiator has already initiated in the same Agoran Week.

   If a person is not a player, e can initiate a CFJ without paying
   shinies or increasing eir Debts balance.

   When a person initiates a Call for Judgement, e may optionally bar
   one person from the case.
   At any time, each CFJ is either open (default), suspended, or
   assigned exactly one judgement.

   The Arbitor is an office, responsible for the administration of
   justice in a manner that is fair for emself, if not for the rest of

   When a CFJ has no judge assigned, the Arbitor CAN assign any player
   to be its judge by announcement, and SHALL do so within a week. The
   players eligible to be assigned as judge are all players except the
   initiator and the person barred (if any). The Arbitor SHALL assign
   judges over time such that all interested players have reasonably
   equal opportunities to judge. If a CFJ has no judge assigned, then
   any player eligible to judge that CFJ CAN assign it to emself Without
   3 Objections.
   When the Arbitor assigns a CFJ a judge, e SHOULD note the Debts
   accrued, if any, when the CFJ was initiated.

Amend "Economic Wins" by replacing:

   While a player has Stamps made by at least 10 different players e MAY
   destroy 10 stamps made by 10 different players by announcement to win
   the game.


   While a player has Stamps made by at least 10 different players and
   eir Debts balance is 0, e MAY destroy 10 stamps e owns made by 10
   different players by announcement to win the game.

and replacing:

   Once per month, a player MAY, by announcement, transfer to Agora the
   Stamp Value, in shinies, to create a Stamp.


   Once per month, any player whose Debts balance is 0 MAY, by
   announcement, transfer to Agora the Stamp Value, in shinies, to
   create a Stamp.
Amend "Estates Auctions" by replacing:

    During an auction, any player or organization may bid any number of
    Shinies by announcement.

    During an auction, any player whose Debts balance is 0 or any
    organization may bid any number of Shinies by announcement.
Amend "Rewards" by replacing:

    Below is an exhaustive list of Reward Conditions and eir rewards:

       * The following two only apply to proposals that were pended via
       spending shinies:

          - Being the author of an adopted proposal: 1/40th the current
          Floating Value.

          - Being the pender of an adopted proposal: 1/40th the current
          Floating Value.

       * Judging a CFJ, that was created via spending shinies, that e was
       assigned to: 1/20th the current Floating Value.

       * Publishing a duty-fulfilling report: 5 shinies.

       * Resolving an Agoran Decision for the first time this week: 5


    Below is an exhaustive list of Reward Conditions and eir rewards:

       * Being the author of an adopted proposal: 1/40th the current
       Floating Value.

       * Being the pender of an adopted proposal: 1/40th the current
       Floating Value.

       * Judging a CFJ that e was assigned to: 1/20th the current
       Floating Value.

       * Publishing a duty-fulfilling report: 5 shinies.

       * Resolving an Agoran Decision for the first time this week: 5

Amend R2445 "How to Pend a Proposal" to read, in full:

   Imminence is a switch, tracked by the Promotor, possessed by
   proposals in the Proposal Pool, whose value is either "pending" or
   "not pending" (default).

   Any player CAN flip a specified proposal's imminence to "pending" by
   announcement by paying Agora 1/20th the Floating Value or by accruing
   the same amount of Debt. If neither method is specified, that player
   does the latter.
Amend R1607 "Distribution" by, after the paragraph starting with "In a
given Agoran week", adding:

    When the Promotor distributes a proposal, e SHOULD note the Debts
    accrued, if any, when the proposal was pended.

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