I bid 15 shinies.

On 09/02/17 16:26, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> I bid 15 shinies.
> Cagliostro is a warren of narrow windy streets running through tall
> close-packed apartments; it's been the collection point for new arrivals
> in the port since the city was a small landing point, with cheap spaces
> and a multitude of languages heard across the alleyways; the smell is a
> blend of cooking pots from a dozen cuisines that is just on the correct
> side of being welcoming rather than rank.  The streets confuse the 
> unfamiliar traveler, but wander long enough and you'll find yourself
> coming to a central square; and your eyes won't help but be drawn
> the Magician's Inn, a ramshackle building with layers upon layer of
> colorful but flaking paint, wherein it is said that if you can't find
> someone to tell you a specific story, that story hasn't been invented yet.
> On Sat, 2 Sep 2017, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:
>> I bid 13 shinies.
>> On Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 00:59 Quazie <quazieno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>       I bid 12 shinies.
>> The Cagliostro what a place - a lovely little shithole passed from scammer 
>> to slum lord, and it has finally ehard up here: agoran public housing.  It's 
>> not much, but there's a roof, and it mostly
>> doesn't leak, it's got walls, and they mostly don't have mice living  in 
>> them - it's got beds, and some of them don't  have bed bugs.  But you're out 
>> on your luck, so this will have to do.
>> On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 21:09 Nicholas Evans <nich...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>       I bid 11 shinies. I'll write a blurb later.
>> On Sep 1, 2017 11:02 PM, "Owen Jacobson" <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
>>       As Surveyor, it is my pleasure to annouce that the September estate 
>> auction, for the estate of Cagliostro, has begun.
>>       For those of you who are new, please review Rule 2491 (“Estate 
>> Auctions”). In summary:
>>       * Bids may only be placed by announcement.
>>       * Players may bid on their own behalf, to win the Estate for 
>> themselves.
>>       * Players may bid on behalf of any Organization whose charter makes 
>> such a bid Appropriate, to win the Estate for that Organization.
>>       The auction will end in exactly seven days.
>>       As is my custom, I pledge as follows:
>>       * If there is exactly one winning bid, and it includes a blurb 
>> describing the region of Cagliostro, of at least 70 words, I will include 
>> that blurb in at least one future
>>       Surveyor’s report if it is possible for me to do so.
>>       * If there is exactly one winning bid, I will pay Shinies to the 
>> player who made the bid. The amount paid will be the lesser of 10% the 
>> winning bid, rounded up, or 50 Shinies. I
>>       will do so immediately after resolving the auction.
>>       I bid 1 Shiny on this auction.
>>       -o

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