I judge CFJ 3570 FALSE. I judge CFJ 3571 TRUE.

First there's little doubt that "G is Overlord of Dunce" is not an
agency, because the name is invalid. Thus, it didn't enable any
abilities. The Superintendent's report does not self-ratify, so GOD
wasn't ratified into existence until VJ Rada ratified a document
asserting the existence of an agency that could be called GOD.

On 10/06/17 14:14, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> [Sorry, I initially missed the second "linked" CFJ in the below message.]
>>> I also call a linked CFJ  (yes, I know those don't exist) with Shinies
>>> with the statement: "G: Overlord of Dunce is an Agency."
> This is CFJ 3571.  I assign it to Nichdel.
> Caller's arguments same as for 3570, below.
> On Fri, 6 Oct 2017, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> On Thu, 5 Oct 2017, VJ Rada wrote:
>>> I use shinies to call a CFJ with the statement: "Ben Öyle Öneriyorum
>>> is an agency"
>> This is CFJ 3570.  I assign it to Nichdel.
>> Caller's Arguments:
>>> Ben Öyle Öneriyorum was established in May with the powers of another
>>> agency called GOD.  GOD's name was created and has always been listed
>>> as G is Overlord of Dunce, which is patently invalid as a name ("is"
>>> is a verb, so the agency's name is invalid, so the agency could not be
>>> an agency).
>>> I ratified the following document yesterday.
>>>> {{There is an agency with the following text.
>>>> "G: Overlord of Dunce  (GOD)
>>>> Head: Quazie
>>>> Agents:  G.
>>>> Powers:   1 - The ability to give notice to establish Agencies with
>>>>  Quazie as the Director or Head and G. as the only agent
>>>>  2 - The ability to establish Agencies with Quazie as the Director or
>>>>  Head and G. as the only agent".
>>>> That agency was established by a message sent by Quazie, purporting to
>>>> establish a message called "G is Overlord of Dunce", but the name of
>>>> the agency is, and has been since its establishment, "G: Overlord of
>>>> Dunce"}}
>>> The question is this: what, if any effect does this ratification have,
>>> and if it has the effect of making G: Overlord of Dunce an agency,
>>> does it also ratify previous actions that purported to use "GOD" to do
>>> things (the one thing it was used for was the establishment of BOO)
>>> I also call a linked CFJ  (yes, I know those don't exist) with Shinies
>>> with the statement: "G: Overlord of Dunce is an Agency."
>>> -- 
>>> From V.J. Rada

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