I intend to ratify the document contained in curly braces.
{Just now, ATMunn won an election for ADoP. Just now, Alexis won an
election for Prime Minister}.

If anyone's interested, here's a vote-count.

Three first preference Alexis votes, one for VJ Rada, ATMunn and PSS.
I eliminate the vote for me which gives Alexis a majority.
Alexis: [Alexis, Murphy, o, 天火狐, Gaelan, Aris]
PSS: [PSS, G., and o]
o.: Alexis, then G., then nichdel.
G.: Alexis, then G., then nichdel.
VJ Rada: VJ Rada
ATMunn: ATMunn

Three first-preference ATMunn votes, 2 VJ Rada votes and 1 Alexis
vote. After the Alexis vote goes, ATMunn wins.
ATMunn: ATMunn
VJ Rada: {ATMunn, VJ Rada}
G. {ATMunn, VJ Rada}
o.: VJ Rada
PSS: VJ Rada
Alexis: I vote conditionally as follows. If the proposal Campaign
Proposals has been distributed and, if the voting period for its
adoption were ended now and the quorum on that decision were 0, it
would be adopted, then I vote {myself, 天火狐, Gaelan, Quazie].
Otherwise, if any player's current valid ballot includes themselves, I
endorse the first such player to have submitted a ballot on this
decision. Otherwise, I vote for the empty list.
Resolved as: Alexis

>From V.J. Rada

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