You'd think I would remember to post to the public forum by now. Apparently


On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 6:07 PM, ATMunn . <> wrote:

> ​On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 1:15 PM, ATMunn . <>
> wrote:
>> Alright. I think this looks pretty good. If nobody mentions anything else
>> in the next day or so, I'll pend it for real.
> I pend the proposal "A Reward for Obedience v4" for 1 shiny.
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 9:40 AM, ATMunn . <> wrote:
>> Changes from last version:
>> * Repealed victory elections
>> * Clarified when certain things can happen (in kind of a clanky way to be
>> honest)
>> * Made all eligible players no longer eligible after the medal is awarded
>> I retract the proposal "A Reward for Obedience v3" [the last time I
>> tried, I believe it failed as I did not include the v3] and submit the
>> following proposal.
>> Title: "A Reward for Obedience v4"
>> Author: ATMunn
>> Co-Author(s): Aris, Alexis, G.
>> AI: 1
>> Repeal rule 2482, "Victory Elections"
>> Create a new power-1 rule titled "Medals of Honour"
>> {
>>     Medals of Honour are a destructible fixed currency tracked by the
>> Herald.
>>     In the 7 days of an Agoran month, any player CAN declare emself to be
>> eligible for a Medal of Honour by announcement if all of the following are
>> true:
>>     * E has made at least 1 message to a public forum in the last Agoran
>> month.
>>     * Eir Karma is not below -3.
>>     * In the last Agoran month, e has not had a Card issued to em.
>>     In the 7 days of an Agoran month after the first 7 days, if there are
>> any players who are eligible for a Medal of Honour, the Herald CAN, by
>> announcement, initiate an Agoran Decision on who is to be awarded a Medal
>> of Honour.
>>     E SHALL do so within the 7 days of an Agoran month after the first 7
>> days.
>>     For this decision, the valid votes are all players who are eligible
>> for a Medal of Honour, the vote collector is the Herald, and the voting
>> method is instant-runoff.
>>     Upon the resolution of this decision, the Herald CAN, and SHALL in a
>> timely fashion, award the outcome of the decision a Medal of Honour by
>> announcement.
>>     After a player is awarded a Medal of Honour, all players who were
>> previously eligible for a Medal of Honour become no longer eligible.
>>     If, at any time, any player has 6 or more Medals of Honour, and e has
>> not won via this rule previously, e can win the game by announcement,
>> destroying all of eir Medals of Honour.
>> }
>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 9:14 AM, ATMunn . <>
>> wrote:
>>> I submit the following proposal and pend it with 1 shiny.
>>> Title: "A Reward for Obedience v3"
>>> Author: ATMunn
>>> Co-Author(s): Aris, Alexis
>>> AI: 1
>>> Create a new power-1 rule titled "Medals of Honour"
>>> {
>>>     Medals of Honour are a destructible fixed currency tracked by the
>>> Herald.
>>>     In the first week of an Agoran Month, any player CAN declare emself
>>> to be eligible for a Medal of Honour by announcement if all of the
>>> following are true:
>>>     * E has made at least 1 message to a public forum in the last Agoran
>>> month.
>>>     * E's Karma is not below -3.
>>>     * In the last Agoran month, e has not had a Card issued to em.
>>>     In the second week of an Agoran Month, if there are any players who
>>> are eligible for a Medal of Honour, the Herald CAN, by announcement, and
>>> SHALL in a timely fashion, initiate an Agoran Decision on who is to be
>>> awarded a Medal of Honour.
>>>     For this decision, the valid votes are all players who are eligible
>>> for a Medal of Honour, the vote collector is the Herald, and the voting
>>> method is instant-runoff.
>>>     Upon the resolution of this decision, the Herald CAN, and SHALL in a
>>> timely fashion, award the outcome of the decision a Medal of Honour by
>>> announcement.
>>>     If, at any time, any player has 6 or more Medals of Honour, and e
>>> has not won via this rule previously, e can win the game by announcement,
>>> destroying all of eir Medals of Honour.
>>> }
>>> [Changes from the prototype: I made it so that you can still get a medal
>>> even if your karma is negative, as long as it's not below -3. I also
>>> reworded the last part of the Agoran Decision section.]

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