I AP CFJ the following: The below document claiming to be the Registrar's
Weekly Report was not a report.

Arguments: The Registrar is required to track Emotion switches (2514).. E

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 6:46 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus <
p.scribonius.scholasti...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                        Registrar's Weekly Report
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (all times UTC)
> Date of last report: 22 Oct 2017
> Date of this report: 29 Oct 2017
> Recent events:
> Players (19) (Rule 869, self-ratifying)
>     Player               Contact
> Registered
>     ------               -------
> ----------
>     Aris                 thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at gmail.com   13 Sep 16
>     Murphy               emurphy42 at zoho.com                   27 Oct 07
>     o                    owen at grimoire.ca                     12 Jul 16
>     天火狐                draconicdarkness at gmail.com           06 Nov 16
>     Quazie               quazienomic at gmail.com                15 Apr 17
>     P. Scholasticus [2]  pscriboniusscholasticus at gmail.com[3] 16 Apr 17
>     Gaelan               gbs at canishe.com                      15 May 17
>     Ienpw III            james.m.beirne at gmail.com             21 May 17
>     omd                  comexk at gmail.com [4]                 03 Feb 11
>     Bayushi              thelas.staloras at gmail.com            29 Jun 17
>     nichdel              nichdel at gmail.com                    29 Jun 17
>     G.                   kerim at u.washington.edu               25 Aug 17
>     Cuddle Beam          cuddlebeam at gmail.com                 25 Aug 17
>     V.J. Rada            vijarada at gmail.com                   05 Sep 17
>     ATMunn               iamingodsarmy at gmail.com              21 Sep 17
>     ProofTechnique       jhenahan at me.com                      23 Sep 17
>     Trigon               reuben.staley at gmail.com              24 Sep 17
>     Alexis               alercah at gmail.com                    27 Sep 17
>     Telnaior             jdga at iinet.net.au                    20 Oct 17
> [1] also ais523 at alumni.bham.ac.uk
> [2] In full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> [3] officially, but technically equivalent p.scribonius.scholasticus at
> googlemail.com
> [4] officially, but technically equivalent c.ome.xk at gmail.com
> Fora (Rule 478, self-ratifying)
>     Type         Location                              Typical use
>     ----         -------- -----------
>     Public       agora-official at agoranomic.org      official reports
>     Public       agora-business at agoranomic.org      other business
>     Discussion   agora-discussion at agoranomic.org    discussion
>     Discussion   irc://irc.freenode.net:6667/##nomic   discussion
>     Public       agora at listserver.tue.nl            backup
> Writs of FAGE (Rule 1789)
>     Player            Date
>     ------            ----
>     Kelly             17 Sep 95
>     Andre             13 Feb 99
>     BobTHJ            16 Jan 08
>     P1                 5 Nov 08
>     P2                 5 Nov 08
>     P3                 6 Nov 08
>     G.                29 Jun 17
>     Subscribe or unsubscribe from main lists:
> http://www.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo
>     Subscribe or unsubscribe from tue.nl backup list:
> http://listserver.tue.nl/mailman/listinfo/agora
>     The IRC channel does not require subscription; set your IRC client to
>     server irc.freenode.net, port 6667, channel ##nomic, and whatever
>     nickname you like.
> Other rules pertaining to this office
> -------------------------------------
> Rule 2139 (The Registrar)
> Rule 1789 (Cantus Cygneus)
> Watchers (4)
>     The list of Watchers is not governed by the rules, but is
>     traditionally maintained in the Registrar's Report.  If you'd like to
>     be listed as a Watcher or removed from the list, feel free to email
>     the fora or the Registrar directly.
>     Watchers confirmed as of May 2017:
>     Nickname          Contact
>     --------          -------
>     Ørjan             oerjan at nvg.ntnu.no
>     Watchers confirmed as of May 2013:
>     Nickname          Contact
>     --------          -------
>     Dave              davidnicol at gmail.com
>     Phlogistique      noe.rubinstein at gmail.com
>     Steve             zardoz37 at gmail.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                   Registrar's Weekly Addenda on Switches
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------|-----|
> Switch  |Value|
> --------|-----|
> Floating|27   |
> Value   |     |
> --------|-----|

>From V.J. Rada

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