EOS does create the obligation to pay you half of my shinies.

I suppose that might create the pink slip "personal gain" that might
make trouble, but an obligation is an obligation. I pay o. 11 shinies.

I pledge that, if any fingers are pointed over o's attempt to buy me
an estate, I will not personally decide whether or not to issue a
card. While the Arbitor is not currently empowered by the rules to
take over the investigation, I feel it would be much more appropriate
in this circumstance to informally ask the Arbitor to recommend a
card, and then impose that card unconditionally. If the Arbitor will
not, I'm sure another impartial observer (or the CFJ process) will.

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 8:20 PM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:
> I intend, without objection, to destroy the contract "Easy Off Scam: Cleaning 
> Your Mold Fast”.
> I intend, without objection, to destroy the contract “Scam Fix”.
> In both cases, I feel this is appropriate - neither contract provides for its 
> own dissolution or amendment, so there is no obvious other way to clean these 
> up before December. Both have served their nominal purposes, and I’d prefer 
> if they weren’t left lying around to cause further trouble.
> -o

>From V.J. Rada

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