I submit the following proposal, and pend it with AP.


Title: Auctions v5
Author: o
Co-author(s): ATMunn, Aris, nichdel, G.
AI: 2

Create a power-2 rule titled "Auctions"
        An Auction is a way for entities to give away items in exchange for
        Shinies. Any rule or contract CAN permit (or require) Auctions to
        be initiated.

Create a power-1 rule titled "Lots"
        Each Auction has one or more lots of items.

        A lot is a non-empty list of items to be transferred by a single 
Auction to
        a single recipient.

Create a power-1 rule titled "The Auctioneer"
        Each Auction has an Auctioneer.

        The Auctioneer of an Auction is the entity that initiates that
        Auction, and describes all of the specifics of an Auction. All
        rules or contracts permitting Auctions to be initiated should
        specify an entity to be Auctioneer. If no Auctioneer is specified,
        the default Auctioneer for Auctions defined by the rules is Agora, and
        the default Auctioneer for Auctions defined by a contract is the
        contract itself.

        A clause in a Contract purporting to make an entity which is neither the
        Contract itself nor a party to the Contract the Auctioneer of an Auction
        defined by that Contract is INEFFECTIVE.

Create a power-1 rule titled "The Auction Announcer"
        Each Auction has an Announcer. Only persons can be Announcers.

        If the Auctioneer of an Auction is a player, then that player is the
        Announcer of that Auction.

        Otherwise, the rule or contract defining an Auction CAN define the
        Announcer for that Auction. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, no
        Contract can define a person as the Announcer of an Auction unless that
        person is a party to that Contract.

Create a power-1 rule titled "Auction Initiation"
        An entity authorized by a rule or contract to initiate an Auction CAN 
do so
        by announcement. If the rule or contract specifies that that entity 
        so, that entity SHALL do so in a timely fashion. An Auction CANNOT be
        initiated other than as described by a rule or contract.

        An Auction CANNOT be initiated unless the announcer specifies all of

                * the Auction's lots, in the order they will be awarded,
                * the items in each lot,
                * the Auction's Auctioneer,
                * the Auction's announcer, and
                * the Auction's minimum bid

        in the message initiating the Auction. An Auction also CANNOT be 
        unless the Auctioneer is able to give away each item in each of the
        Auction's lots.

Create a power-1 rule titled "Bidding"
        A person authorized to bid on an Auction CAN do so by announcement,
        specifying the amount of shinies to bid. A bid placed on an Auction 
        it is initiated, or it has ended, is INEFFECTIVE.

        An attempt to place a bid which is less than the Auction's minimum bid 

        A person CAN withdraw their bid on an Auction by announcement. If a 
        submits a bid on an Auction, all bids previously placed on that Auction 
        that person are withdrawn.

        A rule or contract defining an Auction CAN specify a class of players 
        are authorized to bid on that Auction. If the rule or contract does not
        specify a class of authorized bidders, any player is authorized to bid 
        an Auction defined by a rule, and any party to a contract is authorized 
        bid an Auction defined by that Contract.

        A person SHALL NOT bid on an Auction if it would be impossible for em to
        pay that amount at the conclusion of the Auction.

Create a power-1 rule titled "Auction End"
        An Auction ends 7 days after its initiation, or immediately if no bid 
        been placed or withdrawn in the last 96 hours, or immediately if it is

        When an Auction ends, any bid placed by an entity which does not own 
        Shinies to pay the amount specified in the bid is automatically 

        Once an Auction has ended, any further attempts to bid on that Auction 
        to withdraw bids from that Auction are INEFFECTIVE.

        Once the Auction has ended, the Auction's announcer SHALL announce
        the end of the Auction in a timely fashion. In the same message, e
        SHALL include the a list of all the bids on the Auction and the
        winner(s) (if there are any) of the Auction.

        A person's priority on an Auction is their position in the list of 
        who have bid on the Auction, sorted by the value of their non-withdrawn
        bids in descending order. If two persons have placed non-withdrawn bids 
        the same value, a player who placed their non-withdrawn bid first has a
        higher priority than a player who placed their non-withdrawn bid at a 

        For each lot in the Auction, the winner of that lot is the player with 
        highest priority on the Auction who has not won any previous lot. If 
        are more lots than there are persons with non-withdrawn bids, the excess
        lots are not won by any person.

        The winner of a lot SHALL pay the Auctioneer the number of Shinies 
equal to
        eir bid, in a single payment, in a timely fashion. When e does so, the
        Auctioneer SHALL transfer the items in that lot to that winner in a 
        fashion. If the Auctioneer is not a person, then a person authorized to
        cause the Auctioneer to transfer those items SHALL do so in a timely
        fashion after the winner pays the Auctioneer, instead.

Create a power-1 rule titled "Auction Termination"
        Any player CAN terminate an Auction, by announcement, if the Auction has
        not ended and the Auctioneer of that Auction cannot transfer any item
        included in a lot in that Auction.

        When an Auction is terminated, all bids on that Auction are withdrawn, 
        then the Auction ends immediately.

Amend rule 2491, "Estate Auctions" to read in full:
        At the start of each month, if Agora owns at least one Estate, then the
        Surveyor CAN and SHALL initiate an Estate Auction in a timely fashion.

        The Auctioneer of an Estate Auction is Agora. The Announcer of an Estate
        Auction is the Surveyor. The Starting Bid of an Estate Auction is 1 

        An Estate Auction has one lot for each Estate owned by Agora, containing
        exactly and only that Estate. The Surveyor CAN freely determine the 
        in which those lots will be awarded.

        If an entity wins a lot in an Estate Auction, the Surveyor CAN, for each
        Estate in the lot, and at most once per Estate per Estate Auction, cause
        Agora to transfer each Estate to that entity.

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