On Sun, 2017-11-26 at 18:12 +0000, Alexis Hunt wrote:
> If it is LEGAL for me to pend Self-Indulgence, then it will repeal
> Rule
> 101. In this case, its effect is not solely limited to destroying a
> contract (or any of the other effects that would cause its pending to be
> protected by Rule 2525). Thus, pending it is unprotected and No
> Self-Indulgence is free to restrict it. So it must actually be ILLEGAL.
> If it is ILLEGAL for me to pend Self-Indulgence, then it will not repeal
> Rule 101. In this case, its effect is solely limited to destroying a
> contract, and pending it is protected. Thus No Self-Indulgence cannot
> impose on me an obligation not to pend it, so it must be LEGAL (Given that,
> as is in fact the case, there is nothing else that would make it illegal).

Gratuitous arguments (made without reading forwards in the thread, so
apologies if they've already been made): The mere fact that you seem to
have come to a paradoxical conclusion here implies the "If…"
conditional in the proposal is too ambiguous to evaluate, and thus the
proposal wouldn't repeal rule 101 in any case.


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