E withdrew eir candidacy. I deny the second CoE. I also deny the first CoE, 
because e is only showed as such in a section that is not self-ratifying. I 
will still fix this as part of the next revision, though.

On 12/5/2017 6:03 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus wrote:
CoE: Corona is Herald., not VJ Rada.

CoE: Corona is a candidate in the Referee election.
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

On Dec 4, 2017, at 9:19 PM, ATMunn <iamingodsa...@gmail.com> wrote:

Sorry this report came later than usual this week. I haven't been feeling too 
well this past week, and so I procrastinated the entire report until today, and 
have spent the past hour working on it.
Note: I did not mark G's Arbitor report as being late, even though it is, for 
several reasons:
1) I originally thought I did not need to, because I thought the office was 
actually vacant after G's resigning, and was too lazy to go back and change it
2) I don't want G. to get carded for missing the report for the office e 
intended to resign from
3) Those bits don't self-ratify
So please don't CoE that. (and maybe don't point the finger at em either)
I also just realized as I was writing this that I did not include that the 
Referee report is actually late. That should be fixed, but I won't right now. 
You can CoE it, if you want, and I'll fix it in the morning (otherwise, it'll 
be fixed by the next report)
Ok, enough chatter, here's the actions:

I point the finger at myself and Telnaior for violating the time limits to 
repsond to the CoEs on our previous weekly reports.

I hereby publish the following report.

You can find all my most recent reports online at https://agoranomic.org/ADoP/

Date of last report: 2017-11-27
Date of this report: 2017-12-05


Filled offices: 18/18 (100.00%) [yay]
Total officers: 10
Consolidation[1]: 1.8
Late reports: 11.11%
[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players, and if it ever reaches the current number of offices, all
offices are filled by one player.


Office             Holder           Days Since[2]      Deadline
Herald             VJ Rada          38 Days            2017-11-30
Reportor           天火狐              13 Days            2017-12-03
[1] This is a warning to any officeholders that have had at least 7 days
since eir last weekly report, or at least 30 days since eir last monthly
report, along with the deadline of the absolute latest day eir report
could be published on before e could receive a card.
[2] Days since last report


Office             Holder           Since         Last Election     Complexity  
ADoP[1]            ATMunn           2017-10-20    2017-10-20        2
Agronomist         o                2017-11-06    2017-11-06        1
Arbitor            G.               2017-09-15    2017-09-21        2
Assessor           PSS[2]           2017-10-12    2017-10-12        3
Clork              Telnaior         2017-11-22    Ongoing           2           
Herald             Corona           2017-11-30    2017-11-30        1           
Notary             o                2017-10-22    2017-10-30        2
Prime Minister     Alexis           2017-10-20    2017-10-20        1
Promotor           Aris             2016-10-21    2017-09-21        2
Referee            Alexis           2017-11-22    Ongoing           2           
Registrar          PSS[2]           2017-04-18    2017-09-21        2
Regkeepor          Aris             2017-07-06    2017-09-13        1
Reportor           天火狐              2017-09-13    2017-09-13         1
Rulekeepor         Alexis           2017-11-06    2017-11-06        3
Speaker            Quazie           2017-10-09    2014-04-21        1
Surveyor           o                2017-05-08    2017-11-06        1
Tailor             Alexis           2017-10-01    Ongoing           1
Treasuror          o                2016-10-22    2017-09-21        3
[1] Associate Director of Personnel
[2] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
[3] Interim offices are offices that are either vacant, or the holder of
the office was not elected to that office.


Office             Monthly?     Report                    Last Published        
ADoP[2]                         Offices                   2017-12-05
Agronomist                      Farms                     2017-11-28
Arbitor                         Judicial matters          2017-11-26
Clork                           Politics                  2017-12-04
Herald             Y            Patent titles             2017-10-27            
Herald                          Matters of Honour         2017-11-28
Notary                          Contracts                 2017-11-28
Promotor                        Proposal pool             2017-12-03
Referee                         Rule violations           2017-11-21
Registrar                       Players, Fora             2017-12-03
Registrar          Y            Player history            2017-11-30
Regkeepor                       ACORN[3]                  2017-12-03
Reportor                        The Agoran Newspaper      2017-11-21            
Rulekeepor                      Short Logical Ruleset     2017-12-03
Rulekeepor         Y            Full Logical Ruleset      2017-12-03
Surveyor                        Estates                   2017-11-28
Tailor             Y            Ribbons                   2017-12-03
Treasuror                       Shinies & FV[4]           2017-11-28
[1] ! = 1 period missed. !! = 2 periods missed. !!! = 3+ periods missed.
[2] Associate Director of Personnel
[3] Agora Nomic Code of Regulations
[4] Floating Value


Office             Initiated       Phase              Candidates
Referee            2017-11-22      Voting             PSS[1], o
Clork              2017-11-27      Nomination         Telnaior
Tailor             2017-11-28      Nomination         Alexis
[1] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


Office             Days Until          Last Election
Regkeepor          8 Days             2017-09-13
Arbitor            16 Days             2017-09-21
Promotor           16 Days             2017-09-21
Registrar          16 Days             2017-09-21
Treasuror          16 Days             2017-09-21
[1] Unless an office becomes interim, office elections can be started by
anyone 90 days after the previous one. This section shows the 5 offices
(not counting the Speaker) with the most time passed since the last

Tue, Nov 14 2017 (02:44:03) - ATMunn published the ADoP's weekly report
Tue, Nov 14 2017 (12:10:02) - Telnaior made a CoE on the ADoP's weekly report
Wed, Nov 15 2017 (17:46:16) - G. published the Herald's weekly report
Thu, Nov 16 2017 (05:03:24) - o made a CoE on the ADoP's weekly report
Thu, Nov 16 2017 (05:27:48) - o published the Notary's weekly report
Thu, Nov 16 2017 (05:29:25) - o publisehd the Surveyor's weekly report
Thu, Nov 16 2017 (05:35:21) - o published the Treasuror's weekly report
Fri, Nov 17 2017 (01:35:32) - ATMunn made and accepted a CoE and published a 
revision of the ADoP's weekly report
Fri, Nov 17 2017 (01:38:47) - o published the Agronomist's weekly report
Fri, Nov 17 2017 (01:53:40) - G. resigned Herald
Fri, Nov 17 2017 (02:06:04) - ATMunn initiated an election for Herald
Fri, Nov 17 2017 (02:06:50) - PSS became a candidate for the Herald election
Fri, Nov 17 2017 (02:34:09) - ATMunn denied o's CoE on the ADoP's weekly report
Fri, Nov 17 2017 (02:36:59) - Alexis published the Full Logical Ruleset
Fri, Nov 17 2017 (14:28:26) - ATMunn denied Telnaior's CoE on the ADoP's weekly 
Sun, Nov 19 2017 (00:23:50) - Alexis published the Short Logical Ruleset
Sun, Nov 19 2017 (09:27:44) - Aris published the proposal pool
Sun, Nov 19 2017 (11:26:43) - PSS published the Registrar's weekly report
Sun, Nov 19 2017 (15:37:55) - ATMunn made a CoE on the Registrar's weekly report
Sun, Nov 19 2017 (15:44:09) - PSS accepted ATMunn's CoE on the Registrar's 
weekly report
Sun, Nov 19 2017 (20:18:55) - G. published the Arbitor's weekly report
Sun, Nov 19 2017 (23:39:29) - Aris published the Agora Nomic Code of Regulations
-=-=-=-two reports ago-=-=-=-
Mon, Nov 20 2017 (14:39:53) - ATMunn published the ADoP's weekly report
Mon, Nov 20 2017 (17:32:32) - Corona became a candidate for the Herald election
Mon, Nov 20 2017 (22:56:54) - PSS submitted a campaign proposal for the Herald 
Tue, Nov 21 2017 (00:07:20) - 天火狐 published Agora Sky News
Tue, Nov 21 2017 (00:43:12) - VJ Rada published the Referee's weekly report
Tue, Nov 21 2017 (06:12:34) - o published the Agronomist's weekly report
Tue, Nov 21 2017 (06:14:03) - o published the Notary's weekly report
Tue, Nov 21 2017 (06:19:17) - o published the Surveyor's weekly report
Tue, Nov 21 2017 (06:27:48) - o published the Treasuror's weekly report
Tue, Nov 21 2017 (06:32:09) - VJ Rada made a CoE on the Treasuror's weekly 
Tue, Nov 21 2017 (06:34:22) - o accepted VJ Rada's CoE on the Treasuror's 
weekly report
Tue, Nov 21 2017 (23:39:03) - Proposal 7968 "Backed Out the Door" passed, 
creating the office of Clork, and the Complexity office switch
Wed, Nov 22 2017 (00:29:04) - Telnaior published the Clork's weekly report
Wed, Nov 22 2017 (05:49:23) - VJ Rada resigned Referee
Wed, Nov 22 2017 (15:47:39) - ATMunn initiated an election for Referee
Wed, Nov 22 2017 (19:15:01) - Alexis deputised for Referee
Wed, Nov 22 2017 (21:25:29) - Corona became a candidate for the Referee election
Wed, Nov 22 2017 (21:33:42) - VJ Rada became a candidate for the Referee 
Wed, Nov 22 2017 (21:34:54) - PSS became a candidate for the Referee election
Wed, Nov 22 2017 (21:41:15) - VJ Rada ceased to be a candidate for the Referee 
Wed, Nov 22 2017 (22:11:14) - VJ Rada made a CoE on the Surveyor's weekly report
Wed, Nov 22 2017 (23:45:45) - o became a candidate for the Referee election
Sat, Nov 25 2017 (01:52:38) - ATMunn initiated the Agoran Decision for the 
Herald Election and distributed campaign proposals [1]
Sat, Nov 25 2017 (17:15:22) - Alexis published the Short Logical Ruleset
Sun, Nov 26 2017 (15:29:30) - PSS published the Registrar's weekly report
Sun, Nov 26 2017 (21:09:54) - Aris published the proposal pool
Sun, Nov 26 2017 (21:10:33) - Aris published the Agora Nomic Code of Regulations
Sun, Nov 26 2017 (23:25:08) - G. published the Arbitor's weekly report
Mon, Nov 27 2017 (01:40:59) - Telnaior published the Clork's weekly report
Mon, Nov 27 2017 (01:59:17) - VJ Rada made a CoE on the Clork's weekly report
[1] See last report.
-=-=-=-previous report-=-=-=-
Mon Nov 27 18:48:23 UTC 2017 - ATMunn published the ADoP's weekly report
Mon Nov 27 21:47:55 UTC 2017 - PSS made a CoE on the ADoP's weekly report
Mon Nov 27 21:54:14 UTC 2017 - VJ Rada initiated an election for Clork and 
became a candidate
Tue Nov 28 00:12:57 UTC 2017 - VJ Rada became a candidate for the Herald 
Tue Nov 28 00:31:22 UTC 2017 - Telnaior became a candidate for the Clork 
Tue Nov 28 01:40:16 UTC 2017 - Alexis initiated an election for Tailor
Tue Nov 28 01:44:20 UTC 2017 - Alexis became a candidate for the Tailor election
Tue Nov 28 02:31:32 UTC 2017 - ATMunn made a CoE on the Arbitor's weekly report
Tue Nov 28 03:43:20 UTC 2017 - VJ Rada deputised for Herald and published the 
Herald's weekly report
Tue Nov 28 03:46:35 UTC 2017 - VJ Rada ceased to be a candidate for the Clork 
Tue Nov 28 04:57:46 UTC 2017 - o published the ACU Bank Statement [1]
Tue Nov 28 04:59:39 UTC 2017 - o published the Agronomist's weekly report
Tue Nov 28 05:00:11 UTC 2017 - o published the Notary's weekly report
Tue Nov 28 05:01:30 UTC 2017 - o published the Surveyor's weekly report
Tue Nov 28 05:04:08 UTC 2017 - o published the Treasuror's weekly report
Tue Nov 28 05:30:11 UTC 2017 - Aris made two CoEs on the Treasuror's weekly 
Tue Nov 28 17:32:29 UTC 2017 - Corona made a CoE on the Treasuror and Clork's 
weekly reports
Tue Nov 28 19:46:16 UTC 2017 - o linked Corona's CoE on the Treasuror's weekly 
report to a CFJ
Tue Nov 28 22:41:03 UTC 2017 - Telnaior linked Corona's CoE on the Clork's 
weekly report to a CFJ
Thu Nov 30 00:09:51 UTC 2017 - Aris made a CoE on the Clork's weekly report
Thu Nov 30 20:40:18 UTC 2017 - PSS resolved the Herald election and campaign 
proposals, election Corona [2]
Thu Nov 30 21:09:41 UTC 2017 - PSS published the Registrar's monthly report
Fri Dec 01 01:10:43 UTC 2017 - Telnaior made a CoE on the Registrar's monthly 
Fri Dec 01 01:35:42 UTC 2017 - PSS accepted Telnaior's CoE on the Registrar's 
monthly report
Fri Dec 01 14:45:46 UTC 2017 - ATMunn initiated the Agoran Decision for the 
Referee Election
Fri Dec 01 17:38:23 UTC 2017 - Corona ceased to be a candidate for the Referee 
Sun Dec 03 15:55:24 UTC 2017 - PSS published the Registrar's weekly report
Sun Dec 03 16:05:54 UTC 2017 - Alexis published the Short Logical Ruleset
Sun Dec 03 16:30:31 UTC 2017 - Alexis published the Full Logical Ruleset
Sun Dec 03 18:01:43 UTC 2017 - Alexis published the Tailor's monthly report
Sun Dec 03 18:19:24 UTC 2017 - Trigon made a CoE on the Tailor's monthly report
Sun Dec 03 18:55:59 UTC 2017 - Alexis denied Trigon's CoE on the Tailor's 
monthly report
Sun Dec 03 21:17:59 UTC 2017 - VJ Rada made a CoE on the Tailor's monthly report
Sun Dec 03 23:38:53 UTC 2017 - Aris published the proposal pool
Sun Dec 03 23:41:37 UTC 2017 - Aris published the Agora Nomic Code of 
Mon Dec 04 09:33:00 UTC 2017 - Telnaior published the Clork's weekly report
[1] This is not an official report, as it has no office associated with
it and is related to a contract, but has the format and information that
would be in a real report, so it has been put in this report.
[2] There were actually several revisions and CoEs, but these were
excluded for conciseness and my sanity.

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