I point the finger at myself for failing to submit a silly proposal and 
designate the next Silly person this week.

I had intended to do so, but I forgot during most of the week, and today (still 
Sunday for me) was very busy and I didn't really have time. Coming up with 
Silly Proposals is actually very hard. You have to not only come up with a 
limerick, poem, joke, or pun, but it has to actually have an effect like a 
proposal would. This is especially hard with a poem or limerick, which is what 
I intended to do.

Also, the rule has no CAN, only a SHALL. I'm not sure what the whole situation 
is on SHALL implying CAN, but the rule is still generally badly written. It 
could also be somewhat of a mousetrap; a player could designate an inactive 
player to be the next week's Silly Person, and that player would get a card for 
breaking a SHALL. (although I imagine such a thing would be frowned upon by 

I also just noticed as I wrote this that there is no CAN for the situation when 
there is no silly person; so we are now stuck without a silly person.

I submit the following proposal and pend it with AP:

Title: "Silliness, Begone!"
AI: 1
Author: ATMunn

There once was a man of Sphero
Who was a descendent of Nero;
    E said to me one day,
    "Silliness - it cannot stay!"
So this proposal will repeal rule one six five zero.

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