I retract my proposal here listed.

I vote FOR proposals 8042 and 8043, and PRESENT on the others

On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 4:00 PM, Aris Merchant
<thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
> pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
> quorum is 3.0, the voting method is AI-majority and the valid options
> are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are conditional
> votes).
> ID     Author(s)    AI   Title                             Pender
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 8042*  G.           1.0  Agorans are Vulcans               Aris
> 8043*  G.           1.0  Officer patching                  G.
> 8044*  Trigon       1.0  5 auctions                        Trigon
> 8045*  Trigon, [1]  2.0  Q*Bert the Second                 Trigon
> The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:
> ID     Author(s)    AI     Title
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> pp1    V.J. Rada    2.0    Clearer & Better Zombies
> [1] G., Corona
> Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.
> A proposal may be pended for 1 Paper.
> The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8042
> Title: Agorans are Vulcans
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Repeal Rule 1650 (Silliness).
> Repeal Rule 2514 (Emotions).
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8043
> Title: Officer patching
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2445 (How to Pend a Proposal) by appending the following
> paragraph:
>   The holder of an Office CAN Rubberstamp a proposal for that
>   specified office, without 3 objections, if no other proposal has
>   been rubberstamped for that office in the current Agoran month.
>   When rubberstamped, the proposal becomes an official proposal
>   associated with that office. Rubberstamping SHOULD only be used to
>   make rule or gamestate corrections associated with the duties of
>   that office.
> [A proposed compromise between the "allow without objection fix
> proposals" and the "pay for every proposal including bugfixes" camps]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8044
> Title: 5 auctions
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Trigon
> Co-authors:
> Amend rule 2004 "Land Auctions" by replacing the entire text with:
>   Every Agoran Week, if the number of Units of Private Land is less
>   than one half the total number of units of Land, a number of
>   Public, non-Aether, Preserved Land Units are chosen using the
>   following process:
>   1. If there exist more than 5 such units, the Cartographor SHALL
>      choose exactly 5 of them.
>   2. If there exist 5 or fewer such units, all are automatically
>      chosen.
>   For each land unit selected by the process described above, the
>   Cartographor CAN and SHALL initiate an auction with it as the only
>   lot. For this auction, the announcer is the Cartographor, the
>   auctioneer is Agora, and the minimum bid is 1 coin.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8045
> Title: Q*Bert the Second
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Trigon
> Co-authors: G., Corona
> Amend rule 1995 "Land Types" by doing the following:
>   Replacing the first paragraph with:
>     Each Unit of Land has a Land Type switch, tracked by the
>     Cartographor. Possible values are:
>     1. Black
>     2. White
>     3. Gray
>     4. Aether (the default)
>     Changes to Land Type switches are secured. To "change the type"
>     of, or to "transform" a Unit of Land is to flip its Type switch. A
>     “Unit of X” is a Unit of Land whose Land Type switch has the value
>     X.
>   and replacing the first word of the final paragraph with "Alternating
>   Land Type".
> Re-enact rule 2046 (Power=1.0) "Q*Bert (tm)" [1]
> Rename rule 2046 to "Q*Bert"
> Amend rule 2046 by replacing its text, in its entirety, with:
>   Q*Bert is an entity which has a location. Q*Bert CAN be on a unit
>   of Aether.
>   Q*Bert has a color switch, tracked by the Cartographor, whose
>   possible values are all defined Land Type other than Aether or
>   Gray. The default value is Black. When Q*Bert moves to a Land
>   Unit, if the current type of the unit is not the same as Q*Bert's
>   color switch, Q*Bert changes that space's type to the value of eir
>   color switch.
>   Every week, the Cartographor CAN and SHALL move Q*Bert using the
>   following process:
>   1. If Q*Bert is on the same Land Unit as another entity, the
>      Cartographor SHALL select a Land Unit adjacent to Q*Bert's
>      current position and move em there.
>   2. Otherwise, the Cartographor SHALL select a Land Unit whose
>      longitude and latitude both differ from Q*Bert's by exactly
>      one.
>   If, after Q*Bert has moved, e is on a Preserved Land Unit, the
>   Cartographor SHALL repeat the process above, moving Q*Bert until e
>   is no longer on a Preserved Land Unit.
>   If the type of the Land Unit that Q*Bert is located on is
>   switched by an entity that is not Q*Bert, Q*Bert's color switch is
>   set to that type instead.
>   Whenever Q*Bert is moved to (0, 0), the Cartographor CAN and SHALL
>   choose a random Land Type that is an allowed value of Q*Bert's
>   color switch and set Q*Bert's color switch to it.
>   When referring to Q*Bert, entities CAN replace the "*" with any
>   punctuation character or spell it with a lowercase letter "b"
>   (i.e. Q-Bert, Q^bert)
> [1] Full History for Rulekeepor:
> Created by Proposal 4471 "Q-bert" (OscarMeyr), Mar 19, 2003
> Repealed by Proposal 4486 "Of what worth honor?" (Michael; with Goethe,
>   Murphy), Apr 23, 2003
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: pp1
> Title: Clearer & Better Zombies
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: V.J. Rada
> Co-authors:
> In rule 2532, Zombies, replace the text "A zombie's master, if
> another player, is allowed to act on behalf of the zombie (i.e. as the
> zombie's agent) to perform LEGAL actions." with "A zombie's master, if
> another player, CAN act on behalf of the zombie to perform actions"
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

>From V.J. Rada

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