I CFJ on:
If I own 2 Coins, it is POSSIBLE for me to transfer them by announcement
as a single action.
Rule 2166/26 (Assets) reads in part:
An asset generally CAN be transferred (syn. paid, given) by
announcement by its owner to another entity, subject to
modification by its backing document.
This indicates that singular assets can be transferred.
In generally, when actions are defined singularly, if I say "I do X
twice" it's actually shorthand for "I do X. I do X" (i.e. it is two
separate actions). So if I say "I transfer 2 Coins", am I transferring
them as a single action, or is it the equivalent to me announcing
"I transfer 1 Coin. I transfer 1 Coin."?
This matters for wording on paying for stuff.